My Bettas Being A Pain


New Member
Jan 16, 2012
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ive had my male betta for several months now when i first got him he would gobble his pellets right up but recently in the last several weeks he doesnt want to eat he ignores pellets the only thing hell really eat is some worms i bought for him at the store he usually gobbles these up hes always swimming around and seems like a normal healthy betta besides his little only eating what he wants when he wants behavior what can i do to get him to eat more regularly is this a sickness or just a super picky fish????
dont feed xim anytxinx for a few days, and try txe pellets axain. xe mixxt just be tryinx to xet more worms out of you instead of pellet food. But txe pellets are more nutritionally beneficial. only feed worms and otxer live and freeze dried foods as a treat.
dont feed xim anytxinx for a few days, and try txe pellets axain. xe mixxt just be tryinx to xet more worms out of you instead of pellet food. But txe pellets are more nutritionally beneficial. only feed worms and otxer live and freeze dried foods as a treat.

I agree. The worms are like candy to the Betta compared to the pellet food. You'll have to be strong and refuse to feed him anything but the pellets for a few weeks and he'll get hungry and give in and start eating them again. Don't feed him the worms for a long while until he gets very use to the pellet food. Then you can switch it up on him and he'll go back to the pellet food but as stated above, only feed them the TREAT food once a week, twice at most and worms is like a treat.
yeh my betta tried that lol so i was insistent that he had flake he gave up after a few days lol now flakes one of his fav's lol
Bettas do really well with a varied diet, you'd get tired of being fed the same thing for every meal, every day, wouldn't you? I have about 4 different brands of pellets for my bettas plus frozen bloodworms, live and frozen brine shrimp and live blackworms. Try at least feeding him a couple different brands (NLS and Omega One pellets are by far the best brands that you can find in a store).
Yeh my feeding seg is
Flake & pea
Blood worm
( not all fed at once) the meaty food varies depending on what I have :) but they normally get one of the meats above algae wafer
Flake :)

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