Hi, I am kinda excited because after many attempts, I finally got some half decent pics of my lil' buddies. Got them in a 10 gallon with a screen divider in the middle.
This fellow was solid black when I bought him from the store and not healthy looking at all. He was in a small dish of blue water.
This lil' fellow was solid white when bought. I thought I might have an albino on my hands. He looked very sick also when I got him. Lo' and behold, within 2 weeks I had a much different looking fish.
And now for the Q&A part. What is the best food for bettas? I have 2 different types labeled as for Bettas.
Mine will only eat food floating on the surface, both that I have sink pretty easily. Bloo whips around and half his food is on a trip to the bottom to sit.
Does anyone know of a good brand that will float with more resilliance?
What do you feed your guys?
This fellow was solid black when I bought him from the store and not healthy looking at all. He was in a small dish of blue water.

This lil' fellow was solid white when bought. I thought I might have an albino on my hands. He looked very sick also when I got him. Lo' and behold, within 2 weeks I had a much different looking fish.

And now for the Q&A part. What is the best food for bettas? I have 2 different types labeled as for Bettas.
Mine will only eat food floating on the surface, both that I have sink pretty easily. Bloo whips around and half his food is on a trip to the bottom to sit.
Does anyone know of a good brand that will float with more resilliance?
What do you feed your guys?