My Betta


Fish Herder
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester. UK
This is my betta! :)

Picture taken when he's just home 3 months ago.


  • Betta.jpg
    48.5 KB · Views: 36
Then it's him again with a bubble tail :blink:

I just don't know what's wrong with his tail tho... -_-


  • Betta_03.jpg
    64 KB · Views: 37
That is the weirdest! I have never ever seen that before.... -_-
I sure hope it doesn't cause any problems. ;)
I like him alot! I think we need a Betta of the month competition!!
Regarding the bubble, there is a disease you may have heard of called oddly enough, 'Gas Bubble Disease' which causes a bubble like that to appear, but Ive never come across it on the ip of a tail before!
Heres a quote from a webpage about the disease.

"Gas bubble disease is not due to air bubbles in the water, but actually dissolved gases (both O2 and N2). With many fishes, signs of GBD, will show up when the total dissolved gases exceed 110-130%. With some fishes, O2 levels of over 300% did not produce GBD. Usually, on smaller systems, this is due to the entraining of air on the intake side of a pump. The easiest solution to this is finding and fixing the pump, but having a trickle filter (dembolizing tower), water "fall" into the tank or sump or strong aeration in the tank or the sump will off gas any supersaturated dissolved gases. For this reason, as a protective measure, I have overflow drains, as opposed to siphon/suction tube, and aeration (usually in the sump) on all of my systems. This will also help off gas a build up of CO2 and the associated pH drop that some tanks experience when the lights go off. Also GBD will manifest itself in more than just the eyes, and unless the supersaturation is fixed, it is usually fatal in a very short period of time."

He is the exactly the same of mine but he died of dropsy :no:
Thanks Ken, that's what I suspected yesterday night when I discovered the bubble as well!! :(

Right now I'm increasing the aeration hoping to get rid of the nitrogen gas. -_-

Do u think putting it in a breeding trap in the main tank while sorting out the 5 gallon is a good idea? (there r guppies in the main)

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