My Betta


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
My betta lives in a Minibow 1. Its just him and he looked kinda lifeless or lonely, so i put in a bloodfin tetra, he is about 3/4 of the betta. I have noticed that there is damage to his tail. Is he biting his fins? or is the Bloodfin Tetra being a fin nipper? or could it be fin rot?
I'd say the tetra was biting him. Tetras need lots of swimming room and others of the same type to shoal with.
Riiight.... Why put a fish in that the tank is too small for, the betta won't like and will bite the betta? Not a good thing to do, to put it lightly :X
I'm not sure how much you know about bloodfin tetras, but here goes...

Bloodfin tetras should be kept in schools of 4+ and in a tank of 10 gals or more. They are recommended for the following tank mates: corydoras, small loricarids, other like-size tetras, and hatchetfish. They also like dark areas.

That being said, it is possible that your tetra may be nipping the betta. Consider this, since they're a schooling fish and you only have one and since the enclosed area is small, they may feel insecure. Not to mention that the fish may feel a need to defend itself from the betta... who knows.

You may want to place the tetra in another tank. If infections occur in the betta's fins, finrot may soon follow.

As everyone has said before. Get the tetra out immediately..... Even if it is not the tetra nipping, the betta could be so stressed that he is biting his own tail. Bad idea all together.
Thanks for the replies! The Tetra is out. I did have 4 of them, but they died on the way to school. This one seems to survive well, but oh well. Hes out of the tank and my betta is all alone. Maybe I should put a betta with him to give him company...Im just kidding=). Thanks guys!
Yup. He seems okay now. Swimming around more...if thats a good sign or anything.
No no no, I had 1 betta and the tetra. I would have had 4 Tetras in my 10 g, but three of them died. So when I got this tank this week for my new betta, I stuck him with my betta. =)

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