My Betta Won't Eat, Help!


New Member
Nov 1, 2005
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Okay, so I haven't been on in months, not since my last betta, Dante, died. In Jan. when I was out of town and left him in the care of my mother who washed his tank out using soap. A couple of days later I get a phone call saying he's passed on. Strangely enough, I was in the hospital awaiting the birth of my niece. Anyways, for college graduation my brother got me another betta, this one named Bosco but now, a few months later and living on our own, Bosco isn't doing to well. He swims and acts normal other than the fact that there are no bubbles and he isn't eating. Before he used attack his food and now he spits it out. He shows no signs of stress or illness. I've tried using different foods, from flakes to pellets but no aveil. He's just unahppy and won't eat. What can I do for him??
Try him with some live food or frozen food.

also are his scales looking normal or are they spiked up abit?

He could also be abit constipated
when my PK male stopped eatting I gave him some frozen bloodworm and he ate the lot and since then he gets flakes, pellets and frozen foods
Awww I don't know what to suggest that they haven't already but I hope he's ok x
Thanks everyone! I'll try some live and frozen food. What can I do if he is constipated??

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