My Betta Went "Sky-Diving"


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
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Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
Yikes! I went to scoop my blue Betta into his "holding cup" so I could clean his little tank. I guess he decided he didn't want to have his tank cleaned otnight, 'cause he flopped around, flopped out of the cup (this was before I even got the cup out of the water), on to the desk, and down to the floor! :eek: :X Poor little guy. I quickly grabbed him and put him back in his little tank. Other than having a bit of dirt on him and being a little freaked out, he seems okay. I decided not to stress him out more by attempting to scoop him in to the cup again and then cleaning his tank. He avoided a tank clean tonight :nod: He's swimming around his his little tank now. He ate the blood worms I gave him. I did add a little water conditioner/slime coat "helper" stuff to his tank. Thought maybe his slime coat could have gotten a little messed up in the fall.

It was a heart-pounding few moments! :nod: :X :-( I hope he doesn't have a headache! :X (<-- I love that smily!)

I think I shall name the little guy "Crash". :nod:

aka Lizard
...Well at lest you got a great name out of that little dilemma. :lol:
:D >>>>He ate the blood worms I gave him

Bloodworms as comfort food........? :lol: :X :lol:

You stayed calm and did the right thing under a very stressful situation. :nod: I'm glad the little fella is going to be ok.
Gosh, isn't it crazy when this stuff happens?! It's happened to me before too - opened the hood, as usual, to feed my 10 gallon, as usual... and a hyper little Zebra Danio splooshed right out and onto the carpet. He wasn't easy to catch either, flopping all around like he was. Anyways I'm very glad to hear your situation didn't turn out any worse and that "Crash" is doing ok!
Yup, my blue/purple male went skydiving yesterday, too. He flew right out of his cup onto the hard kitchen floor. I scooped him up with my hand and put him back into his freshly cleaned bowl.

It didn't seem to phase him that much. That is SO scary when it happens, though.

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