My Betta Website

the common myths bit is a bit "GRRR...IM ANGRY!!!" mabey just put the facts rather than personal opinion, people will take it in more easily then.. rather than "well thats just her opinion" for example id remove the "So tell me why in the world they would be happy living in a 1 litre glass circle?" its too "personal opinion"
id put it more like. "so therefor its a myth they are comfortable living in such small spaces, when they come from large but shallow expanses of water. the biger the space, the hapier and healthier the betta"
Few spelling and grammar errors...but, good job job mate!

The set-up is fine... but the actual site is a bit bland. Grey doesn't make a good background colour, try putting a bit of colour into the site and it will look fabulous.

Maybe, you could start up a section about the different tail-types and colour combos and such matter.
a gallery on tail types and colours would be nice and in the betta basics you mention doing your research before having a betta as a comunity fish, mabey a list of tankmates that would be suitable?

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