my betta sure is messy


New Member
Aug 13, 2003
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i'll look in an all this gross grimy stuff is floating around in there! its yucky and his little log thingy gets all gross and stuff...i wonder if i can put one of those sucker fish in there if it'll help....
Hmm, usually Bettas don't make big messes. If you have not clean the tank often enough, yeah, sure it's going to be nasty.

I notice the turtle in your signature. Do you actually have a turtle?
no but i'd like to. all i have is a dog (which is mums) and a black moor and my betta and im looking after a crocidile gecko for my friend! i always thought that i would forget to feed my pet if i ever got one but im actually not forgetting at all, prolly cuz iluv my betta soo much i couldn't possibly forget him and my blackmoor is on my table stand facing my bed so im looking at him constantly (soo cute :p) and the gecko is really cute and on top of my dresser so... but ya about the water, i cleaned the tank b4 i put the betta in there and it got messy within like 2 days, so is it ok if i have a beta in a one gallon tank with a sucker fish so the sucker can keep it less grimy?
I have many betta and some of them ARE messier than others, it seems that some have large solid waste and others have more of a cloudy filmy type waste

a sucker fish isn't the answer, it won't clean that stuff up because it's just waste,not food. Only feed your betta as much as he can pellet at a time until he's full (but a betta is never REALLY full so you know what I mean) and give his gravel a small cleaning with a turkey baster a couple of times a week to remove excess waste. There isn't a sucker fish in the world that's small enough to live in a pre-occupied one gallon, plus they're the messiest fish on the planet, if you think your bettas messy a sucker will blow your mind with the amount of "poo" they can put out ;)
Funny you said that wuvmybetta, I was just about to say, "Would you really want to double up the fish poo in one gal tank?" :lol: Doesn't exactly solve your problem, does it? :lol:

I hate to say this but of all the betta you looked at, sounds like you picked out the messy one. When your bought him, was his cup he was in dirty? You just gonna have to clean it more often then you'd like. But no worry, bettas are tough. I used to have a betta that lived in a gal tank and I was not around for like three weeks to clean the tank and he still lives fine. Just that the water was dirty.
I find my little snails erradicate the poo problem.
wuvmybetta said:
I have many betta and some of them ARE messier than others, it seems that some have large solid waste and others have more of a cloudy filmy type waste
ya mr. fin has filmy poo and its gross :p but ya so i guess he's ok.
One thing to consider - my betta is a VERY picky eater. I have to drop in one piece at a time, while he flares his hood at it and swims around it.... THEN decides to eat it. Otherwise, tons of excess food floats to the bottom, rots, and produces white cloudy filmy stuff. Thus, making his bowl filthy.

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