My Betta: Rose Malli Tyler


Fish Addict
Dec 1, 2013
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So I always name my fish.  Don't judge. I love them.  Anyways, I bought my betta fish on saturday. It was kind of a rush, but I got her tank ready to go!  I am going to add some old filter media to her tank in a few days, I had an algae eater die very unexpectedly so I am going to wait over a week just to be safe.  
I LOVE BETTA FISH!!!! Wow, they are such characters! Rose loves to watch the filter and doesn't mind her shrimp buddies.  She is super young, only about an 1 1/4 inches.  Hopefully she doesn't gain a lot of aggression and can eventually move in to my 38 gallon.  But it would be a while considering I have tetras. :( But my fingers are crossed!   Anyways, her tank is about 75 degrees F.  I know that is low for a betta, but it was better than before. I plan on saving up for a nice heater for her so she can live in her natural temperature range.  She is so much happier, you can tell with Betta fish, they really are smart. 
Anyone have any cool betta fish stories!?  Do share! 
Tell about any betta fish you have ever owned too! 
I always try to name fish I can tell apart, like bettas

They all have such personality it seems. My betta Discord eats pellets off my finger.
Glad you're saving up for a heater. Do you have any pics of her?
Not really a cool story but I when I first started we got a 20g long shortly after our 55g. The 55 was still empty and the 20g hadn't heated up yet..we were at walmart and I saw this gorgeous betta. Had never seen anything like him.
I walked away sadly since I knew the tank meant for a betta (20) wasn't heated or cycled. We had only walked 3 aisles away before I couldn't take it anymore and asked Dad if we could go ahead and get him.
So I wrapped him in our buggy to keep him from getting pushed around and hopefully make it dark and less stressful. We took him home and the 20 wasn't heated into the empty 55 he went! It was lots of fun watching him in the 55 all by himself. Every time I looked he was somewhere else.
One time I even watched him get inside my big bubbling dragon decorations mouth. At first he charged through the bubbles and quickly swam away. I guess they startled him.
He went through the side of it's mouth and sat in there.

A few days later he was added to the 20g long and I was testing and changing water almost daily.  He got ich while I was gone for 3 days. I think it was brought on by the nitrites spiking. He got through it though, and I feel bad I put him through that. He now has 6 sterbai cory tank mates and always greets me when I come up to the tank.
..I wrote more than I meant to. Sorry! 
Its all good! I will try to get some photos. They wont be super awesome because they will be from my phone, but i will do my best!
bluesword23516 said:
Its all good! I will try to get some photos. They wont be super awesome because they will be from my phone, but i will do my best!
Yay! ^_^ Looking forward to it. I'm sure they'll turn out alright. At least better than my phones ._.
Oh! I forgot to say I really like your bettas name. May I ask the reasoning behind it?

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