My betta problem


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
Ok, in my 5gal hex tank i have 1 betta and 1 african dwarf frog. i have an eheim aquaball 2008 and a whisper air pump.

When i have the pump and filter going the betta and frog still go up for air.. but when i turn them both off my betta and frog seem more realxed and more comfortable. so i turn them off at night so my betta can relax and my frog can float at the surface...

but i was just wondering.. is it really nessesary for me to have the filter and air pump since they are both going to the surface and seem happy?

any reaplies will be greatly recieved
Hi! I havent been on here in a while... wow! But I find that when I have my filter going on my 10 gallon tank which is divided to make room for three male bettas, two african dwarf frogs, and a mollie, they become more tired because of the always moving current. They seem to go up for air more often. I think yours just blows bubbles is that correct?

The only reason I can think of based on my fish is the moving water all the time tires them out.

Maybe the bubbles scare em' you never know :p

I hope i was some sort of help

- Lauren -
If you do frequent water changes, you don't need the filter.

Bettas hate strong current. I'd turn the filter off.
CFC told me that the filter needs to be on for the bacteria to be there,...... and if i dont it would be like cycling every time i turn it back on
Vixen said:
CFC told me that the filter needs to be on for the bacteria to be there,...... and if i dont it would be like cycling every time i turn it back on
He's 100% right. :nod:
The filter will lose all of it's bacteria.

But, if you do big enough water changes, I don't think you need a filter.

I keep 23 bettas in 1g and I do 100% water changes every 3rd day. None have filters. Also, I don't have gravel in the 1g, so it makes water changes very easy.

My ADFs are in a filtered 5.5g, but I might move them to an un-filtered 2.5g (if I have Shellie fry :p ). I know Inchworm keeps 2 ADFs in a 1g un-filtered jar, and they do great.

Vixen, if your betta can't sit still on the bottom of the tank, he'll be very unhappy. :/

Could you move the filter to another tank? :dunno:
with other fish,you'd need the filter. but bettas don't breath the same way other fish do. thats why you can get away with not having a filter on a betta tank. you just need to keep up on regular water changes. if you really feel like you need to have a filter, get one that doens't create a strong current. as said,most bettas really don't like much of a current.
Vixen said:
wat good would moving the filter do? if i need a filter in that tank then why? i dont get it... should i get a smaller one?
The reason I suggested to move the filter, was I thought you wanted to maintain the bacteria. If it was on a different tank, it would stay cycled.

IMO, if you do big enough and frequent water changes, you don't need a filter for 1 betta and 1 ADF in a 5g.

Is there any way to adjust the flow?

I thought I've heard of members tieing a nylon stocking around the in-take tube to reduce the flow.

EDIT: MAM, you beat me to it. :p
Well, i dont mind doing water changes for the 5gal because 2 of my jugs take almost 50% of the water anyway so its only 1 or two trips downstairs then up again.(if it was my 10gal however id say on your bike to more frequent water changes lol, id keep the filter in there :p)
Im not keen on having the filter because they both seem soooo generally happier without it on.
My frog goes straight to the surface as soon as the filter is off and he floats there ALL night just relaxing... its so cute :wub: :*)
As for my betta it seems like he struglles when i turn the filter on so i think ill do without one.

I will lose the filter and air pump and let them relax and live their lil lives in peace :) ... then ill get more frogs :D :p lol ... since my other two died :-(

how many more you guys reckon i should get
The more you get, the more often you will have to change the water. 5 gal is not much water. It is plenty for a betta, and even adding a frog, but not really big enough to add much more. The ammonia from the waste will concentrate quickly. From experience, the ammonia in a tank happens fast from frog urine.
Vixen said:
if i do regular water changes will that be ok to keep the ammonia down?

how often would i need to change the water
I would do them at least twice a week.

Make sure you they are large changes, though.
Vixen said:
over 50%? i got plants in there and hopefully im going to get more with a lil bogwood for the tank..
I would do 1.5 - 2 gallons per change, if you do them twice a week and don't over-feed.

With plants and bogwood, your tank will look really cool.

I'm not sure how many WPG you have, but you can't go wrong with java fern. It looks great when you tie it to a small piece of bogwood, IMO. Plus, when your cleaning the tank, you can just push them aside with the gravel vac, and suck up all the debris. :thumbs:

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