My Betta Is Sick


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
Hi guys, 
I havent been here in forever, because everything has been going so well. I have a 10 gallon planted tank with 5 neons, some shrimp and 1 betta. They have all been living together in perfect harmony since November. I've noticed my bettas color get a little lack luster these last few days and then today he has a curve in his spine. Here are some before and after pictures
The temp was 80 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a little warmer than I normally keep it, so I turned the heater down a tad. 
Water Parameters are:
0 Nitrites and 0 ammonia
That's odd considering your readings... maybe a genetic disorder or an illness?
I'm not sure, it's all so weird since he (Elton) was doing so well for so long, and he is the friendliest betta with tiny shrimp he doesn't even pay attention to them or the neons. He would always greet me when I came up to the tank, and now he hides in the plants for most of the day. 
Was he perhaps caught on the filter intake? It looks almost like he was pulled in by the current, caught by the spine, and then managed to free himself. The problem with this theory is that this sort of injury can frequently be fatal. It's hard to tell, but his fins look a little ragged. Do you have an isolation tank? It might do him well to be on his own to heal for a bit. I would invest in some Indian almond leaves to promote healing and do a few extra water changes. Though your water stats are good, new clean water is always beneficial.
There is really no way he could have gotten pulled into the filter It's a very small filter with a low flow, I have a lid on there so he can't jump out or anything. Unfortunately I don't have any other tank to move him to, as this used to by my hospital tank for my 55 gallon before I moved across country. I will look into Indian almond leaves. In person his fins don't look mangled at all, I think it's just the poor phone quality. 

Thanks for the advice so far!
If you can't keep him isolated, then I would definitely do a few more water changes than you normally do. Perhaps with some frequent water changes and some good IAL then he will do better?

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