My betta is gone!!!!

Pescado Guy

Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago Illinois
I had a male and female betta living together in a community tank. One day I went to the tank and I couldn't find the female betta. SHe was gone. She din't jump out either. I moved out all of the decorations to check for her if she had died, but she wasn't there. Could the male have eaten her? All of my other fish are very peacful and wouldn't kill anything(accept maybe some brine shrimp). Thanks!

that really sux!
if anyone had potential to kill it had to be your male betta
truth is it is very common for the male to rip the female to shreds if left together when they mate :sick:
she could have died from the shock
sorry :-(
as for the disappearance, check your filter for remains
also, any fish (even the most peaceful fish) are known for eating their dead
they don't have to be the killer to do the recycling! ;)
Well, it probably wasn't a good idea to keep the male and the female together like that... It seems that he might have killed her, or she just died, and the other fish ate her??

Seems the only rational explanation to me :(

its the fish monster I tell ya <sorta like the sock monster that lives in your dryer?
I have had many dissapperances I believe its the fish monster :p
Bettas have an amazing ability to move across dry land...

I would suggest you check the entire area outside the tank in about a 10 foot radius (10 feet - I'm not kidding). Especially if your tank is off the ground on a desk or something (which hopefully it is).

Males & Females should never be kept together - it's quite possible he was 'pressuring' her and she jumped because she was stressed.

Always keep lids on your bettas - they are very good at the pole-vault.

Good luck finding her & sorry to hear about your loss.

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