My Betta is confused...


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
My Betta thinks he's a bottom feeder. Mr. Zombie Pants lived alone in a 1 gallon jar for most of his life. Everday he'd get Hikari Bio Gold pellets and bloodworms now and then. He used to devour the floating pellets. I always wanted to get him a proper tank with a filter and live plants. So I bought him a small tank as well as some roomies, two cute Panda Corys (Mr. Zombie Pants gets along quite well with the corys and I think it has definately added some interest to his life). When I drop in the sinking algae wafers for the Panda's, Mr. Zombie Pants always nibbles from it. To prevent him from eating all the Cory's food I break off tiny pieces and drop them in but I see Mr. Zombie Pants scrounge around the fine gravel and actually eat off the bottom. Now he's refusing to touch the pellets and will only eat off of the floor with his buddies. I think he might think he's a Cory too. :fun:

As long as he's getting proper nutrition that's all that matters I guess.
My bettas also love the cory's pellets and so long as they are mixed meat ones and algae ones then he's ok as he's getting a balanced diet. I have to put extra in for my cories as all 5 of my girls love them!

Its strange that he won't take his pellets off the top though :blink: mine still eat their own pellets

As long as he's happy and growing then let him get on with it :)
I had a betta in a 5 gallon with gravel and a few of those larger marbles scattered for decoration. He kept floating to the bottom and flaring and charging at the gravel and I was so confused. He saw his reflection in the marbles! So I took them out and all is well. Haha.

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