My Betta Has Ich!! :-(


Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Nor Cal
I recently got a male betta from Petco, his pics are somewhere in this forum, anyway, he started developing ich..... :( He is still feeling alright, but I am going to buy meds today. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which meds are best for ich (and semi affordable--I'm a poor college student)?? Thanks guys!
Generally, ick treatments for the most part all work.
The best one, in my opinion, is maracide.
You can pick it up at PetSmart or PetCo, any big chain petstore for around 5 or 6 bucks, I think.

What type of container does he live in?
And does it have a heater?
the last ick med i picked up is called malachite green. i think it was $3.50. it works great. i got it at petclub but i think they sell it all over.

i've also used maracyn and it worked well, but cost more than the malachite green. i think it cost me $6 something for a smaller bottle than the malachite green.
I think maybe, veen, you meant to say maracIDE instead of maracYN.... Maracyn won't cure ick - it's more for columnaris, fin rot, popeye and gill problems...
I use a product called Quick Cure. It cost me like $2.00, and worked quickly and effectively for all but one fish, but that one fish was old and his immune system was compromised.
BettaMomma said:
I think maybe, veen, you meant to say maracIDE instead of maracYN.... Maracyn won't cure ick - it's more for columnaris, fin rot, popeye and gill problems...
oop, yes it was maracide. i wouldn't say the extra cost was worth it, considering that other cheaper products worked as well.
He lives in a 1 gal which stays at a lovely temp around 76-78 degrees with no heater (he's next to my lap top and the fan continually blows warm air at his tank.) I am very sorry to say that now my two females and my guppy have ich also!! :( :( :( I don't know how they got it too :( Oh well, treatments for everyone.

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