My betta has fungus?

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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My little male betta Rascal has something now . I can't tell very well what it is. He is dark coloring and its hard to see even with a flash light. But it does appear that he has some type of cottony stuff on his head and back area...I caught it early ( I think) and started treating him with a tablet for fungus, not for ick or velvet. This could be velvet that he has. Will a fungus tablet work as well?


Oh...and how soon will his symptoms dissapear?
From what you are saying, it sounds like he has Columnaris, which is a bacterial infection. Even though it is bacterial, most "fungal" medicines actually are antibacterial, as Columnaris is alot more comon than fungus, and they look similar. This can be a very agressive disease, I know I have lost two fish to this since November.

What is the medicine you are using in your tank right now? I don't know if I will be able to tell you if it is a good med or if you should use something else, but atleast the info will be here for someone who will know. You should also add aquarium salt to your tank, and do salt baths IF your fish can handle it. What is the temperature of your water? Columnaris actually thrive in warmer temperatures, so turn your heatre down.

Here is a link with some more info if you want

Goodluck! I hope your fish recovers.
tttnjfttt, thank you very much for replying.

I just have one betta in a 1 gallon bowl. no heater

His condition actually looks( right now) more like fuzzy stuff, not very much yet...can't really tell if its Velvet or not.

I used a partial tablet of Jungle brand Fungus Clear last nite...just a little bit since I have a small bowl.

My betta doesnt act sick at all. Swimming fine, eating fine.

Just noticed alittle fuzzy stuff on his back and head the other nite...sigh....

I am totally spoiled as my only other betta that Ive had....who died a few months ago......I had him for four years! He was NEVER sick... :)

I've my new guy for about 3 months and he has been fine until this....

thanks for your help!
Do you have a test kit to be able to test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH? Those are really useful things to know when helping with a sick fish.

From what you've said, it really doesnt' sound like velvet. Velvet is usually gold or yellow or rust colored flakes covering a fish. They look like they were dusted with gold dust. My bet is on Columnaris. You should get a better antibacterial medicine tomorrow. Hopefully he isn't acting sick because he is in the early stages of it. Trust me, it will start growing FAST and it will be really hard to watch later on.

This disease is also being talked about HERE right now.
I do have some tetracylin (sp) that I could use. I will keep checking my betta to see how he is doing...thanks again! :)
I did a little reading on fungus vs. columnaries, and here is pretty much what I saw. Fungus basically only attacks fish that are already weakened, prefer to have some dead flesh to begin on, and often is accompanied by a bacterial infection. The PICTURE of this look more organzed than columnaries.

Columnaries is much more common and often affects bettas. Here is a PICTURE of Columnaries.
YUCK! I hate fish diseases :(

so far its lighty fuzzy I'll see how he's doing in the morning.

thanks for taking the time to look up the pics for me!

guess I will get to bed

thanks again


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