My Betta Has Fin Rot


Fish Fanatic
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
I cleaned my Betta's tank today and noticed that he has fin rot. He is currently in a 1 gallon tank with a small heater. I know that I need to keep his water really clean. How often should I change it? Is every other day enough? I'm using BettaFix remedy right now, but I'm not sure it's doing much good. I just ordered melafix this afternoon. I think I read somewhere to use half the recommended dose?

Please tell me if I'm doing the right thing, and what else I should be doing for him.


edit; I'm also adding salt (rock salt) because I heard it can will help him get better - is that true?
Normal feeding may not be enough to restore the damage.

To grow the fins back to their former glory quickly, find about half a pint of mud from a lake and put it in the Bettas bottle along with rock salt and some banana leaf or Indian Almond Leaf(this is better).

Within 5 days you will find the torn fins have quickly grown back to their former glory. After ten days you can shift your fighter to a bottle with clean water. You will have a new version of your fish, more alert and looking better than ever.
To grow the fins back to their former glory quickly, find about half a pint of mud from a lake and put it in the Bettas bottle along with rock salt and some banana leaf or Indian Almond Leaf(this is better).

I don't live anywhere near a lake...are banana leaf and Indian Almond Leaf Plants? Would the lps sell it?

I forgot about this place- they have the maracyn much cheaper wanted $25 -- my budget isn't that big ;)
Atison's Betta Spa treatment or Blackwater Extract will work like Indian almond leaf if you can find some of that instead. The Atison product is basically just IAL extract :)
just to know using bettafix and a diluted dose of melafix is the exact same medicine so the bettafix is fine . they are the exact same remedy except bettafix is diluted because melafix is harmful to bettas at the normal dose.
About the Melafix, I just read the FAQ article about bettafix vs. melafix. It sounds like I should be ok as long as I use half the recomomended amount of melefix, right? So instead of 1 teaspoon for 10 gallons use 1/2 a teaspoon.

I'm also a little confused about the Betta Spa treatment. Is that something I should use instead of the maracyn, or use them together, or first use the maracyn, then the Betta Spa??? -_-

One other thing, what's the best temperature for my Betta??

Thanks for all your help.
Atison's Betta Spa treatment or Blackwater Extract will work like Indian almond leaf if you can find some of that instead. The Atison product is basically just IAL extract :)

This is true ....

Oh I remember Atison, he's a long time friend :D
You can use the spa with pretty much any medication. All it really does is lower the ph and it is also a mild antiseptic :)

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