My Betta has dropsy


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I think it's dropsy. He is swollen and doesn't swim much anymore. Everything I read says I can't do anything about it. Is this true?
Add some salt and turn up the temperature in the tank.
Dropsy is a bacterial infection, in the bladder I think??, so the salt will help kill off the bacteria. I have heard of people helping their fish overcome dropsy. Be sure that your fish is in a tank of it's own.
Good luck, It may not even be dropsy? It could be constipation?
Make sure it is dropsy, and not constipation. If the swelling is the stomach only, it might not be dropsy. If you notice the body behind the stomach swelling, then it is probably dropsy. Look straight down on the fish to observe swelling, not from the side. Salt doesn't do anything for dropsy. Epsom salts does help, if you catch it in time. If it is caused by internal damage from an accident or fight, then it is not contagious. If the damage is from the kidneys shutting down due to bacteria, then it is very contagious. Personally, I cull a dropsy fish immediately, no matter how much I like it. It's not worth what it can do to a fish room. Some have said they cured the dropsy, only to find out it affected the fish in other ways. I was even told it made their Bettas sterile. I just cull it immediately, and move on to other fish. You can try meds for dropsy, and a epsom salts bath. If you don't notice immediate results, then it will probably not survive.
The swelling is on the front part of his body (mid-section to his head). And he is more active today than he was yesterday. Does that matter?

Should I feed him???
Sorry to hear about your betta. If he wants to eat I can't see any harm in feeding him unless someone else can shed any light?

I'm having the same problem with my son's VT Alphie. He sounds just like yours. I've isolated him, raised the temp, added salt and put an airstone in with him. I've added Interpet 9 which is for internal bacteria infections. He doesn't look good and is pale and very fat around the head and gill section and I think I see the start of pine coning :/

I'll give him till the end of tonight then if he doesn't look any better I'm going to euthanase him. He's gone very quiet like this before and a little swollen but I tried a pea but he won't eat at all so I think its more serious than constipation this time :-(
If he's constipated, then don't add to the misery by feeding more. He will become impacted and will probably not survive it. It hard to give a betta an enema.. :crazy:

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