My betta has been living with...


Fish Crazy
May 11, 2005
Reaction score
London Uk
My male fighter has been living with half a dozen angelfish and a dozen tetras for months now and they seem to be gettin on alright, the biggest angelfish sumtimes nips his tail but he also does it to the smalles angel of the group, so i assume hes just a bullie. The betta just swims about loving his life, he has his own little cave he spends alot of time in, untill i enter the room then he shows off his tail non stop lol. He just keeps awya from the big angel and eveyrone seems to get along fine. :cool:
I don't mean sound harsh or nothing, but angels eat tetras when they get larger and tetras and angels will attack the betta so you havn't realy got a good mix in there at all :/
Nice tank though.
Nice tank, i agree with tokis neon tetra's are a meal to angel they hunt them in the wild.
I have also kept them together with no problems
I find the only trouble are barbs and guppies but maybe that was just my betta :dunno:

:angel: :devil: Lilfishie :devil: :angel:
While it may be working out for you now, keep in mind you may have to rehome that betta in the future. It would be a good idea to have a spare tank around just in case. As long as you keep an eye on them, watch for signs of trouble or stress, well, it might work out for you. But thats not to say that this is the norm and that everyone should do this. Just keep that in mind. What works for one person may or may not work for others. I hope everything continues to go well in your tank.
Agreed, keep an eye on them because things could change drastically. I won't ever keep tetras with bettas because of having rescued one that was almost eaten alive by neon tetras. But every situation is different.

Also be aware that fin nipping can lead to injuries and infections.
Your angels appear very young, and they are happy go lucky at that age. As mentioned, prepare yourself to pull the betta and more than likely a couple angels as well because they will fight and turn nasty when they become sexually mature.
Cheers guys, yeh i do have a small 10gal tank heated and filtering with just water in my garage waiting for the inevitable but without my betta in the tank i dunno what else to have. :sad:
I really like the looks of your tank, as well as the rocks in it. Very nice...

When I had a betta in with angles for a while but that didn't work out for me. Good luck, hopefully all goes well.

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