New Member
Hi All,
I was wondering if you might be able to help me out with my sick fish. I noticed that he has developed a lump on one of his sides but i'm just not sure what it is. I've tried to take a few photos of it. The 2nd and 3rd show it best of all.
He lives in a small 12 litre (3.1ish gallon) tank with just a very small carbon filter thats running on a 50 cycle pump (this is shared with another filter on another tank). I have no heater as i live in tropical north australia so the temperature is quite worm. He gets fed dry pellets most of the time and sometimes defrosted blood worms.
I got him from the pet shop about 8 months ago
Usually change the water once a week and have a gravel vacuum. I also have another betta and he is fine. Any help would be great as i'd rather not loose him.
I was wondering if you might be able to help me out with my sick fish. I noticed that he has developed a lump on one of his sides but i'm just not sure what it is. I've tried to take a few photos of it. The 2nd and 3rd show it best of all.
He lives in a small 12 litre (3.1ish gallon) tank with just a very small carbon filter thats running on a 50 cycle pump (this is shared with another filter on another tank). I have no heater as i live in tropical north australia so the temperature is quite worm. He gets fed dry pellets most of the time and sometimes defrosted blood worms.
I got him from the pet shop about 8 months ago
Usually change the water once a week and have a gravel vacuum. I also have another betta and he is fine. Any help would be great as i'd rather not loose him.