My Betta Fish

Betta Fishies

New Member
Aug 21, 2012
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South Africa
Hi,so this is my betta fish.

I'm new to this all, and found out I need a filter? I've been running my tank without a filter for about two months now, and it seems fine though...

I have a male, Astro, and two females, Suki and Rosey.

The females I had for about a month now, and they still haven't bred, how long does it usually take for them to breed?

Here is some photo's of my Betta's



And this is Suki



And Rosey

All three of them

And this is my tank... But still want to make it more pretty...

Thanks for looking, any tips or comment welcome
Hello my friend, correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me in that last photo you have 2 females and 1 male housed together? First off if you do, please separate them immediately because bettas cannot live together via male or female. The female could be house together if you have more than 5 and your tank is big enough. I suggest you should read the newbie faqs thread if you are new. And to answer your second question, breeding betta is one of the hardest of all fish to do. It requires time and patience plus a degree of knowledge and information before you attempt to breed bettas. You cannot simply just put them together and expect them to breed.

Bettas are aggressive fish and cannot co-exist together under almost no condition. They are called fighting fish for a reason. If you have any questions feel free to post thread or message me.
I've noticed that one of your fish astro is a half moon which do terribly with a filter because of their large fins which make them fight the current even if it doesn't appear to make a current at all I rescued my twin tail half moon betta ember from a tank with some other fish at petsmart after they refused to move him to a cup like the rest he would sit there and swim in one spot while trying to move forward he had to hide under the plant all the time so he wasnt swept away
I've noticed that one of your fish astro is a half moon which do terribly with a filter because of their large fins which make them fight the current even if it doesn't appear to make a current at all I rescued my twin tail half moon betta ember from a tank with some other fish at petsmart after they refused to move him to a cup like the rest he would sit there and swim in one spot while trying to move forward he had to hide under the plant all the time so he wasnt swept away

He's not a Halfmoon, he's a Veiltail :)

But back to the point. You shouldn't house males and females together at any point unless you have set them up for breeding, which you haven't done by just putting 2 females in with your male. I would suggest removing the male into his own 3-5 gallon tank with a filter and a heater. I would then recommend upping the number of females to at least 5 and defo get a filter for the tank.
As previous posters have said, breeding bettas is EXTREMELY difficult. Separate the girls and the guy straight away or you'll lose fish instead of gaining them.

You need a filter because fish produce ammonia as waste. Without a filter this builds up unprocessed and will quickly poison your fish. A filter must also be cycled before it is used to culture bacteria that will convert the ammonia. If you haven't cycled the filter, you need to. There are many useful threads on TFF about cycling.

Your fish are absolutely beautiful, and will be well worth the work. :good:

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