My betta doesn't eat


Nov 10, 2004
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I have a betta in a one gallon bowl, and its the most active betta I have ever seen. However, I have tried feeding it everything from flakes to pellets, but it just wont eat!!

The only food I have not tried it live worms. (I get only tubiflex worms as live food) And I don't get any betta-special food in any LFS

Actually, I'm not sure whether it eats or not, because the food disappears later on, but maybe it just sinks to the bottom of the bowl :unsure:

What should I do? will it eat live tubiflex worms?
Did you just got him? Don't worried too much if he did not going to eat for few days. Take out the food if he don't want to eat. Do it again some other time. When he is hungry, he will eat it. Maybe he is shy to eat infront of you because he got bad mouth. :lol: Maybe you try frozen blood worm.:)
Hi akudewan :)

I had the same problem with one of my bettas. I thought he stopped eating back in August of 2004, but he lived and just passed away not even a month ago, I had him for awhile :byebye: But he ate or else he would have died of starvation a long time ago. He waited until the lights were off and just picked up his pellets from the bottom of his tank. I actually caught him eating... I turned off my lights and just sat there without moving and I saw him go down to the bottom and pick up his food :shifty:

If there isn't any left over food at the bottom of his tank after awhile, I'm sure he's eating! He must be one of those bettas who would rather eat in peace :lol:
Thanks guys. I guess it does eat after all. Its very active. I'll keep an eye on the pellets that have sunken to the bottom.

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