my betta died!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Dec 23, 2003
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my poor little betta fish died today! :rip: , i feel so bad b/c i have only had him for a few days! what should i do with his body? should i bury him? :-(
of all days to die he had to die on xmas! :X
and the weird thing is my other betta that i got when he was sick is still alive? it is so frustrating having to deal with a sick fish,(he has inflamed gills, ich, and fin rot) he came that way though. i never knew it would be kinda hard to care for a sick fishy, well im trying.
if you have any tips or moreinfo about anythingi would like to hear it
I've read countless times that one shouldn't buy sick fish unless one knows what he's doing or feels really bad for the fish. if you didn't know the fish was sick, then that's ok. If you did, then you may or may not have seen how hard it is to heal sick fish. Always go to a reputable pet shop so you can gte the best fish.

Take the body back to the store or they won't give you a refund. They'll take care of the body. Never bury any type of living (or rather, once-living) thing because its decaying corpse can (ooh :angry: I just had the word...) infect? the water supply and cause various illnesses. I do't suggest flushing the fish, either. Trash can works, seeing as how dead animal parts go there anyways...
Anywho, get the refund.

Sorry for your loss, HTH
thanks for replying, i already flushed him -_-
i didnt know he was sick?(my mom picked him out) and he seemed okay, but the next day he was worse. thanks

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