I got an new digital camera today (early b-day gift) so I put it to good use by taking some quality pics of my boys so you can all see what they really look like without having to deal with a super blury pic!! Yay!! Lemme know what you think of them
Ace, my blue and black butterfly halfmoon, isn't he gorgeous??
Aiden, my masked steel HM, possible rosetail
Stewie, prettiest pink marbled VT in the world!!
Charlie, Hes def. my fav boy (shhh don't tell the others) I love them all, but charlie just is special!
Draco, I got this boy from wal*mart can u believe it? I love his coloring!!
Corona, I bought him after having a huge fight with my best friend, he made me feel loads happier
Quincey, my patriotic betta, named after my fav character in my fav show Instant Star, Tom Quincey
Tic-Tac, opaque super delta with a slight green tint, hes a shy boy and loves his little hidey hole
Zale, he doesn't stay still, the pics aren't wonderful, hes a real pretty royal blue HM, but he used to chew his tail so its not perfect right now
And this is my no name betta, I'm thinking of duckling, what do u guys think?? lol
Ace, my blue and black butterfly halfmoon, isn't he gorgeous??

Aiden, my masked steel HM, possible rosetail

Stewie, prettiest pink marbled VT in the world!!

Charlie, Hes def. my fav boy (shhh don't tell the others) I love them all, but charlie just is special!

Draco, I got this boy from wal*mart can u believe it? I love his coloring!!

Corona, I bought him after having a huge fight with my best friend, he made me feel loads happier

Quincey, my patriotic betta, named after my fav character in my fav show Instant Star, Tom Quincey

Tic-Tac, opaque super delta with a slight green tint, hes a shy boy and loves his little hidey hole

Zale, he doesn't stay still, the pics aren't wonderful, hes a real pretty royal blue HM, but he used to chew his tail so its not perfect right now

And this is my no name betta, I'm thinking of duckling, what do u guys think?? lol