My Beta Desurves Better!


New Member
Jan 8, 2006
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Right now i have a beautiful beta in a 20h along with 6 corry cats, 4 cherry barbs, and 2 angel fish. The tank is too far gone for salvaging. Tomorow im going to undergo a huge project. Probobly in 2 steps.

Anyways! I want to take my beta out of my big tank and make him a nice cozy home in a 2g i have. Im really just a beta poser owner. I dont know much about them. I owe it to him to make him a nice little home. Im planning to go filterless. From my research if i waterchange every 3 days he should be happy.

My questions:
1) What substrate should i go with? I guess the gravel is OK but i want to make this as close to his natural habitat i can. He has never made any bubble nests in my current tank and he just hides all day and doesn't look happy. He is always getting into fights with himself in the reflection of my tank and doesn't get along with the other fish.
2) Should i go with natural plants or silk? My experience with plants has been mixed. I partly blame them for my current situation with this tank but not entirely. I have found it is VERY difficult keeping plants in such small of a tank. I really like the looks of a tank like this one . My main question with this is will he know the difference between the silk plants or the real ones?
3) What type of lighting does he like? Should i get a hood for him or a glass top? If i get a hood will i need to get an incandecent light for him or will he be happy with the rooms light?

Thanks so much for the responses i really appreciate your help and im sure he does too! :D
I know some people go without substrate but I like the look of gravel, especially a nice natural brown color. If you do use gravel just make sure to vacuum it when doing a water change.

For a small tank I would go with silk, most live plants need a fair amount of light, which bring me to your 3rd question.

I was told that a betta will be happy with no light as long as its in a fairly bright room, they don't want to sit in the dark after all.
Hey Matthew,

WELCOME to Tropical Fish Forums!!!

Make sure your betta's tank or bowl has at least 1 gallon of water.

I like gravel in the bottom of my tanks, but you don't need to have it.

You don't need a light for the tank or bowl as long as your fish gets light for several hours a day.

Live plants or silk plants would be fine. I prefer live plants because they produce oxygen and remove waste from the water. You could get easy to grow floating plants like Hornwort, duckweed, or water lettuce.

Good Luck with your betta! Keep us posted!
My two darlings have got separate little tanks neither have lights, but both have heaters. One is under the light in the kitchen (under cupboard light)
I used to have the other one near a table light so I could see him in the evening but moved him due to xmas tree. I am going to move him back again though because I have just realised he has been mardy since I moved him! and I thought he was just a wimp! he obviously likes being centre of attention in the front room and not have to compete in kitchen! Ill move him tonight and see what happens.
my personal taste:

1. i have bare bottomed small tanks, makes it much easier to clean, the bettas don't really care either way i don't think.

2. silk plants, easier to care for! just check them for anything sharp, i was given a tip to drag the plant over a pair of tights, if it snags the tights it'll snag your betta! this is the number 1 reason not to go with plastic plants too. they like to weave in and out of the plants, and sit on them too, make sure you have one thats close to/breaks the surface so they can rest their long tails when going for a gulp of air, they'll bubble nest around it too.

3. just make sure they're in a light room and they'll be fine! if in doubt you can have a table lamp next to them occasionally, just make sure it doesn't effect the temperature of the water, bulbs get hot!!
:) I have moved my red betta. He is back in his (sorry) round glass bowl, he has a nice fresh weed. I moved him about 6 pm. He is back in front room next to tv and he thinks everyone is watching him. He is so happy he is building a bubble nest first one since before xmas!

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