My Beta Bill and My Discovery


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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My beta bill lives with many other fish. 2 Dwarf Guarm., 1 angel, 6 T.barbs, 1 lemon tet., 2 neon tets., 1 glas cat, and 2 crabs.

The past few weeks he wouldn't eat much. I think he was starving himself. So while i was feeding them a few nights ago and when i put the shrimp in for the crabs i noticed he likes frozen brine shrimp. So i crunched up some shrimp with one of those tenderizing malots and sprinkled it in his container of food. He eats it now and i also pinched up tetramin in with his food also. Since betas are 'picky' they prefer only one food kind. If you have this problem now with a new community beta, try this method with the food you use for your community fish so you can save money and see your belovid investment eat.
What do you mean you "crunched" the brine shrimp? You're supposed to thaw it in a cup with the tank water...

They also go for blood worms.

A way to make sure the betta gets the food (provided he eats) is to use a trukey baster. All fish that I have have figured out that the turkey baster is a good place to find treats. :D
Brine shrimp comes in other forms besides frozen. :nod:
I think that's a great idea what you've mixed up and your betta will be much healthier now that he is recieving a varied diet :D
hiya, thanx 4 the tip.

my Prince Charming is a lil pickle, i like feeding him fresh blood worms, daphina and brine shrimp. its a tetra make i think, its all fresh, and just kept moist and fresh in lil packets, like u get ur ketchup in frm fast food places.

i open the top, put it at the top of the tank, and just squese it out slowly, and he cums along and tugs it out faster than i can squese it out, lol.

he eats normal tropical flake food, which is gud, cus he appricates his treats more that way!!

mayb you could treat ur betta to some of these ?
this doesnt have to do with the brine shripm, but wouldnt an angel fish, dwarf gouramis, and tigar barbs be a threat to Bill?
not at all. Bill lays down the law. He puffs out wis gill flaps at them except the angelfish. He likes the angel. They play sometimes. and bill makes guest apearences to the bottom of the tank.
i never herd of that... But hes doing just fine with the guaramis.

oh yea and one other question... can angelfish be spoiled?
well they my silver angel craves atention. i come into the room to sleep or play GC he keeps staring at me swiming side to side... and hes always the first to eat. It's always his way or he gets mad.

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