My Basset Hound Flash


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
I have tried to get a decent picture of my Basset Flash but he gets too excited and moves about

Anyway I love him to bits hope you enjoy the pics

Hes on his settee next to me he spends hours on there sleeping he hardly ever moves!!!




I love that his name is Flash...

Nominatee 3rd picture for POTM :wub:
ha ha I know he looks so comfy when hes asleep. when I come in from work I see him through living room window asleep with a cushion under his head. he just sleeps and sleeps but loves a big walk aswell
Aww he is gorgeous :D I have a huge soft spot for Bassets ^^ How old is he?
I'll second that nomination :)
Thanks Flute

He is only six and a bit but I;ve noticed in the last 12 months his chops are getting whiter. He seems to sleep a bit more as well. Hes such a dude when I walk him at night he doesn;t like going out in the rain and if theres a puddle he walks round it and nearly trips me up!! Hes ace with the kids such a cuddly soft dog who just loves being with the family and other people
Oh at long last, more photos of Flash - he is a gorgeous boy, got any more?

Seffie x
cheers Seffie

I shall take some proper ones with the camera tomorrow night rather than the phone. Only just got in so bed soon as big day tomorrow where I need a clear head :good:
The puddle story made me laugh. My Charlie is the opposite, he will walk right through them and as for the deep puddles in the field stand bang in the middle then take a drink.
Like the other members said he will make a good contender for POTM.
As Rosco peako trane(excuse spelling)would say "go get-em Flash".

ha ha thats where he got his name from as I;m sure you have guessed

I went to the pub in work time yessterday and left the car as I;d had one too many, Walked flash up to get the car at about 10pm it took just over an hour up a hill. He sniffed every smell the whole way as it was new to him, no wonder it took over an hour!!

I;m bathing him Saturday Seffie so pics when hes dry!! :good:
I love basset hounds I have 2 females
they are a year apart in age and inseparable.

sweetpea the older one is 4 years old

and sassafras is 3years old and weighs in at 75lbs
Redbug they are ace pics!!

I have just put mine to bed. Hes getting a bath in the morning and when hes dry I;m going to take some better pics

I;d love more than the one I have but the Mrs isn;t keen on the smell and hairs!! :crazy:
. Hes getting a bath in the morning and when hes dry I;m going to take some better pics

Oh please take some photos of the bath process, I have a feeling it could be very funny!!!

Seffie x

ha ha witha bad back it isn;t, I have to let the special shampoo soak in for 15 mins and he keeps jumping out of the bath and howling!!! Its an event to be sure ha
haha sounds fun times ahead simonas :lol:

the scenario you gave when bething him is alot like my other half :blink:

look forward to pics

regards scot :D

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