My Bamboo Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
chester, uk
I have had a bamboo shrimp called pinchy for about two months. When i got him he was everywhere, crawling all over the tank and wasnt afraid of anything. He has molted twice and afterwards he has spent about 3-4 days hiding then hes back to normal. over the last few days he has been hiding under a piece of bogwood and ive not seen him moving around the tank and there is no "old" skin from a molt. i dont think he is being hassled by the fish because they are all smaller than him with the exception of a plec. Does anyone know of a reason why he might be like this??

Please help!
perhaps you need a stronger current, my old bamboo would hide when the current was not strong enougth ( they are filter feeders), but when the current picked up again he would cling to the plants.
Did you change anything over the last few days? Added fish, rearranged decor, etc? Or perhaps it did molt and you just couldn't find the old shell?

Oh, and your shrimp shares a name with an old fiddler crab of mine, Pinchy McClampy. :)
yes i named him after homer simpsons lobster "pinchy". I always try to move things around when i clean the tank to prevent the fish from claiming territories. I have seen him out and about in the last couple of days but not like before and i have turned the current up slightly. anyone with any similar experiences?

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