My bad boyz...

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
California, U.S.A.
My boys were feeling spunky this week so they decided to build mommy some bubble nests. :wub:

First off is Spike, guarding his nest :rolleyes: ...


The manly nest itself...


Next is Blaze, the sister-recscue-betta...


... and his FIRST EVER bubble nest!!! :kana: :flex: ...


I am so proud of my boys. :wub:
Suhweet lookin' bubblenests!! Go boys go! I have one that STILL doesn't have a bubblenest and I've had him for months. Guess he's just not the bubblenest type... oh well.
Are all male bettas supposed to build bubble nests? Neither of mine have ever built a nest and I've had George about 2 months. BTW "Blaze" is beautiful.
Do you breed bettas?

No, but I would like to try breeding crowntails in a couple of years. :)

Are all male bettas supposed to build bubble nests?

IMO, they require some... err... stimulation (for lack of a better word) to encourage them to build bubble nests. (ie- flaring at other males... or things that look like male bettas, such as the pic on the packet of hikari food. :rolleyes: )

The only reason they've started lately is because of a little trick I learned. I used to let them see each other and flare at each other 24/7, but then I realized that this was causing their fins to split. (Well, the non-crowntail's fins... :p ) Now I have a piece of paper between them and I remove it for 10-15 minutes each day. They build bubble nests like crazy once the paper is put back up after their "flaring sessions".
So how many bettas do you have I had 2 but one passed away today

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. :byebye: I have 4 bettas... 2 male veil tails, 1 female veil tail, and 1 male crowntail! :kana:

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