My backwards fishtank,


Fish Addict
May 10, 2003
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Things are a bit mad in my tank. My tiddler gibbiceps pleco who is only about 2 and half inchs picks on and scares off my 4 inch sailfin pleco and my 8 inch blue panaque :eek:
. I dont know how he gets away with it.

Then theres my pair of pictus which when i first got had no whiskers for a week cos the malawi chewed them off. Now its the other way round. Skinny little 3 and half inch pictus chasing after big sharp teethed malawi :eek:

And to top it off, i've seen 5mm malawi fry fighting with each other.

Its a mad house.
Aren't the fry hillarious? We have 2 baby GoldVeil Ram Cichlids in the community tank whi love to square off at least once a day, it'so funny they flair up from the size of a dime to the size of a nickle, circle each other a few times and then butt heads a couple of times and swim away, sometimes to do it all again in a couple of mins :lol:
Keep an eye on the pictus cats, they'll clean out the tank in no time. I swear they can eat fish bigger than they are :crazy:
Yeah, who do these fry think they are anyway :) Only been born for just over 48 hours and they are trying to display dominance!!

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