My Baby B. Staita And Queen


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Some months ago I came to this forum for advice on the right loach to get. My Clowns (I had three) were hit with the Columnaris plague. I have at least one clown now--maybe two. They have gone underground for the last month or two. (I think it might be because I introduced some apisto colonies to my community tank.)

Well, LL and I talked it over and settled on the straita (zebra) Botia. It took a long time to locate any. Finally I bid and got two at AB. It took a couple of months to get them shipped because I was moving. They came last month with a Queen Botia. They were so small, little tiny babies, that they have been in a 10 usg to get a little bigger. I am converting their 10 gal to an African Syno grow out for 8 tiny tank raised S. petricola that are arriving next Thursday.

So the Botia are going to the 100 usg to meet their cousin/s the clown/s.

They have been housed with a school of baby pork chop rasaboras, baby neons, and my baby C. aeneus fry survivor cory in a planted 10 usg.

Here are my pretties in their 10 gallon:



That driftwood is maybe 6" long--maybe.

What do you think? :D
Um...I just saw the thread about parasites. I assumed because of their size these are tank bred, but how would I know in a month if these are infected?
Yeah, I communicated with more than one supplier; they tried to sell me everything but the staita. I started periodically checking on Aquabid and finally found these two. When we were ready to ship, the seller offered the Queen. They hang together kinda, but there is a difference in their relationships. The Queen is a bit alone. -_-
Yeah, I communicated with more than one supplier; they tried to sell me everything but the staita. I started periodically checking on Aquabid and finally found these two. When we were ready to ship, the seller offered the Queen. They hang together kinda, but there is a difference in their relationships. The Queen is a bit alone. -_-

Nice pictures :thumbs: Ive read the B. Striata and B. Dario (queen) get along well. Your Striata look very healthy. You might want to try and find some more B. Dario as they definately dont like to be alone and might be more aggressive if left alone. Both loaches are hard to find around here. I have to get the LFS to order them for me. I pay more for them, but I dont have to worry about shipping them or paying all that money to get them shipped.

As for the parasites, I just learned that too. Thats why I have my B. Dario in quaratine for a while.

I have some pictures of my B. Striata that I will try and post tonight.
Cool. Piccies!!

My lfs says they will order what I want, but I have not tried it yet. I have a good and fair lfs.
Um...I just saw the thread about parasites. I assumed because of their size these are tank bred, but how would I know in a month if these are infected?

Unf. no botia sp. is tank-bred. Some are farm-bred, which does not help with parasites.
And one problem is that it may take fairly long time with some parasites until you see anything.

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