Fish Connoisseur
Some months ago I came to this forum for advice on the right loach to get. My Clowns (I had three) were hit with the Columnaris plague. I have at least one clown now--maybe two. They have gone underground for the last month or two. (I think it might be because I introduced some apisto colonies to my community tank.)
Well, LL and I talked it over and settled on the straita (zebra) Botia. It took a long time to locate any. Finally I bid and got two at AB. It took a couple of months to get them shipped because I was moving. They came last month with a Queen Botia. They were so small, little tiny babies, that they have been in a 10 usg to get a little bigger. I am converting their 10 gal to an African Syno grow out for 8 tiny tank raised S. petricola that are arriving next Thursday.
So the Botia are going to the 100 usg to meet their cousin/s the clown/s.
They have been housed with a school of baby pork chop rasaboras, baby neons, and my baby C. aeneus fry survivor cory in a planted 10 usg.
Here are my pretties in their 10 gallon:
That driftwood is maybe 6" long--maybe.
What do you think?
Well, LL and I talked it over and settled on the straita (zebra) Botia. It took a long time to locate any. Finally I bid and got two at AB. It took a couple of months to get them shipped because I was moving. They came last month with a Queen Botia. They were so small, little tiny babies, that they have been in a 10 usg to get a little bigger. I am converting their 10 gal to an African Syno grow out for 8 tiny tank raised S. petricola that are arriving next Thursday.
So the Botia are going to the 100 usg to meet their cousin/s the clown/s.
They have been housed with a school of baby pork chop rasaboras, baby neons, and my baby C. aeneus fry survivor cory in a planted 10 usg.
Here are my pretties in their 10 gallon:
That driftwood is maybe 6" long--maybe.
What do you think?