My arownana is still on the bottom of the tank.

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Apr 23, 2004
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It's been almost 3 weeks and my arowana is still unable to swim at the top of the tank. Myarowna is still at the bottom of the tank. Although the tank has not cycled and the ammonia is still spiking, I am checking it daily and frequently doing water changes. Today the ammonia was very high so I changed about 80 % of the water. The phis around 6.4. Can someone please tell me what you can do for swimbladder?? I tried to feed Hercules some peas but he's not eating again. I am really trying to help him through this. Please help me!!
The ammonia is your first problem right now - still high is a real stress on that fish - if you have to you may have to keep changing water every day or even more often than that - after three weeks of this he just can't take much more and may have some permanent damage. Keep those levels as low as possible.
Best of luck with him.


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