My Angelfishes' Fins Are Melting!


New Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Help, i have a newly established aquarium. I bought 6 angelfishes and one one is alrdy dead. the others have weird fins, like destroyed and frayed and melting.. i think they got fin rot? i have a medicine but i dont wana put it because im afraid its gonna retard the cycling of my aquarium. so pls help. n e advise would help. ty
I would put it in any way because the longer you wait the worse it gets. I can identify whats wrong if you can post a pic.
Sounds like fin rot. Cause being, it sounds like you're cycling a tank with angels?
We need more info on your tank.
how long since cycle finished
test results for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph
how often for water changes and gravel vacs
filter maintenance
how many fish, types and sizes.

Finrot is bacterial so you need anti bacterial meds. Why do you need to restart the cycle?

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