My Angelfish


New Member
Nov 25, 2011
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
Here are a few pics of my angelfish. Thought you would like to see them!




I am seriously considering ditching the gravel in this tank, reorganizing it completely and going to sand. It's currently on the think tank and I am thinking about layouts I can go with so it won't be an overnight thing.

Ideas always welcomed and all are considered.
Here are a few pics of my angelfish. Thought you would like to see them!

I am seriously considering ditching the gravel in this tank, reorganizing it completely and going to sand. It's currently on the think tank and I am thinking about layouts I can go with so it won't be an overnight thing.

Ideas always welcomed and all are considered.

beautiful fish! and if it matters, i am a very strong advocate of sand as a subrate. It is cleaner and many fish prefer it, plus it looks so very natural!
Here are a few pics of my angelfish. Thought you would like to see them!

I am seriously considering ditching the gravel in this tank, reorganizing it completely and going to sand. It's currently on the think tank and I am thinking about layouts I can go with so it won't be an overnight thing.

Ideas always welcomed and all are considered.

beautiful fish! and if it matters, i am a very strong advocate of sand as a subrate. It is cleaner and many fish prefer it, plus it looks so very natural!

In all my years of aquariums I have never used sand as a substrate. I don't know why....I just got into the habit of gravel and never really got out of it....

My next tank I am setting up already has the sand in it. I can't conceive this being that large of a project to switch the 29 over to sand as well as my two 10 gallons.

I will keep you all posted on it. I just hate to disrupt the entire system but if it is going to benefit the really has to be done. Doing the 125 gallon is the giant project...I dread that switch as it is going to be such a bear to do.

Plus...I do like how it looks. Very natural indeed.
i cant see any fish, my eyes are burning from the brightness of the substrate.
I agree... some super bright gravel! I'm sure that it makes the black angels POP!

how long have you had your angels? What are their personalities? Do they leave their tankmates alone? sorry for the questions. I've always wanted to keep them, but i've heard so many mixed opinions of them that i've shyed away from them. Did give them a go once, but the three that i bought died within two weeks... Definatly will be getting my self a 29 gal (most likely) and trying them again.
nice one :) i also got similar looking angels how old are your ones? and how big are they :)

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