My Angel got sucked up my syphon


Fish Addict
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire - England
Just been doing a partial water change, and one of my angels, came right up to the syphon, i thought, it wouldnt get too close, but it did, and got sucked up !! :crazy: I took the syphon out straight away to release the pressure, and my angel floated back into the water, it appears ok, but i am worried, may this have caused it some stress or shock? Is there anything i need to do?? -_-

Claire x
Clairel said:
Just been doing a partial water change, and one of my angels, came right up to the syphon, i thought, it wouldnt get too close, but it did, and got sucked up !! :crazy: I took the syphon out straight away to release the pressure, and my angel floated back into the water, it appears ok, but i am worried, may this have caused it some stress or shock? Is there anything i need to do?? -_-

Claire x
shucks that's not good :crazy: it can certainly be fatal - and with an angel's delicate body I would have thought so even more.
I've accidentally sucked up a couple of nosey fish, but the were small enough to go straight through the pipe and into the bucket. They were a bit dazed but were fine afterwards.

But if they angels got sucked and couldn't go down the pipe, the force would have been tremendous. Nothing much you can do about it now :( apart from keeping an eye on it. It might have some internal injuries though.
Oh i hope its ok :-( It appears fine, but it was being nosey, and started nibbling the end of the syphon, so i moved it, and it followed it, and then decided it wanted to look inside, it got sucked up, and was in there about 2 seconds, till i released the pressure....

thanx for your help

Claire x
Other then Keeping a little Extra Watch on it, and Maybe add a little Extra "STRESS COAT" to help any External Slime Layer Injuries.

There's not a whole lot Else you can Do.

Don't Beat Yourself up over it though, It's happened to us all at one time or another... :-(

"Good Luck" to both you and your Angel... :nod:
Pleased to report, my Angel is still doing fine, he/she didnt look too bothered, and just carried on as normal, swimming and eating fine, so i am pleased lol...... :hyper:

C x :*
Glad to hear he did better than "fatty" if anyone one remembers him getting stuck in the syphone tube?? The fish with the pub snacks diet??
It was a post the other day from Mr Chinnery.....he did the same thing but it was a fancy goldfish (although he was calling it a "big fanny goldfish" which made me laugh)

He went on to say he fed is fish on a diet almost exclusively of pub snacks like crisps and pork scratchings he wondered how his fish was so fat??..... and did 4 water changes a year, it was quite alarming but was called Bad Water ended up about 5 pages long.

If its still there you should check it out, its worth reading for ther comment about his "somersaulting black hoar".....priceless!
My Angel, didnt actually get stuck in the tube like "fatty" did lol, my Angel just got sucked up the syphon end, (its too small for any fish to be sucked in) But she was trapped against the pressure, so she was there for around 2 seconds, before i released her back in.....

C x :*
:nod: :nod: :nod: Fantastic "NEWS" I am so Glad to hear that your ANGEL faired so much better then FATTY did. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

I am always Glad to hear of a HAPPY Ending, When so many times with Fish it's the OTHER WAY AROUND...

I Thank God that you seem to CARE so much for YOUR FISH.

So many just take the Attitude what Ta hey it, Notice I said IT. only Cost a couple of Bucks, if it Croaks I'll JUST FLUSH IT and get me another.

Sad to say We those who actually CARE for their Fish are a dying Breed I fear.

Once again Thanks for Caring for your Charges enough, to take the time to TRY to Help them. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :thumbs: B)
Your angel should be fine, I'm sure it won't teach the fish to quit being nosy. My smaller angels constantly do that, just pinch the tube to reduce the suction, & shake the tube a little to convince them it's time to leave.

I've had various smaller fish go for "the ride" through larger draining hoses into the bucket. I just net them out of the can, & toss them back in the tank. Tiny angel fry are the worst, even though I use air line tubing to clean the bottom, a few always manage to get too close. You need to take a real careful look with a flashlight to see them in the bucket.

My last tourist was a pygmy cory a few weeks back. Got too close to a 1" hose before I could put my thumb over the end. Took 10 minutes to net him out of a 35 gallon can half full of water.

I got told i was a member of a dying breed today ( a gentleman) held the door open for woman with loads of shopping. so I am a double dying breed now :eek:

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