my angel fish wont eat


Fish Addict
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Australia, Wollongong
its been 3 days now and he/she still wont eat.
I have tempted him with everything and he wont eat them.
i have checked him all over and there doesnt appear to be anything wrong.
No spots no bumps nothing.
This fish is the biggest pig of the tank, so its got me worried.
Have you tried frozen or live brine shrimp? A fish that doesnt eat brine shrimp is a sick puppy indeed!

Is it a new fish or old? any other fish added or anything out of the ordinary? Does the angel hide and are the fins all erect?

yeah i have tried both of them.
i even bought live worms today and he didnt eat tham :(
i havent added anything new.
he about 6 months old, i bought him when he was very tiny.
he is hanging out at the back of the tank more.
he looks fine.
all the other angels had fin rot about 3 months ago and he didnt get it.
he was the healthiest there.
im just stumped!
try metaflex if ypu can get it or a general treatment and what is ur water like PH, Amonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, GH, KH, Phosphates, lighting, temperature and any other details will help
i've tried melafix :(
i always have it handy.
i took a sample of my water the the LFS and they said evrything was fine (not sure what parameters were though but i trust my lfs)
the temp at 27
is they any chance that your fish is being bullied my angel was doing this and It was the biggest pig I couldnt figure out what in the world was the matter until one nite I was sitting by the tank real late and I finally saw the other angels taking running goes and hitting it in the side I moved him out of the tank and the next day it was eating again like they wasnt nothing ever happened.
my angelfish isn't eating either!! (except for the odd go at the pellet i drop in weekly, anyways.) he won't eat anything i put in, though i admit i haven't tried live food :sick: :crazy: he use to guts down flake food but doesn't even bother coming up for it anymore. a mate of mine who kept fish for like 5yrs (gave it away a couple of years ago now) said not to worry, that he'll be eating plants & stuff off the pebbles, etc., but i haven't seen him, though he isn't looking skinny or pinched or anything as far as i can tell. he's not being bullied & appears to be perfectly healthy, though he does seem to like hiding among plants, but he's always done that. everyone else in the tank's doing fine, the pH has been fine (just about spot on 7), & even though i haven't been able to get my hands on a nitrate/nitrite/ammonia testkit yet, my tank is cycled i'm fairly sure. i know the tank (13g?) is way small for him in the long run but he is only really little & has plenty or room for the moment. do u guys think there's anything wrong with him or am i just being paranoid??
ok the best thing to do is to put him or her in a hospital tank, if you haven't got one see if a friend has one you can borrow for a week. is the tank in direct sun light, that perticular fish may not like it. and is your plants fresh or plastic? it may have decided it doesn't like the plant, or it could be because it is only little it may feel a bit shy. if the other fish arn't eattinng either, they could be worried as well, mau be worried about the food, if the fish in question isnn't eatting. try the hospital tank, it could work as angels are very teratorial.
hey again. hope ur angel's doing better by now, Doll. just in case ur desperate though - as a last resort my lfs told me to throw in a small piece of boiled (very soft) young zucchini. well guess what?? he ate so much it was ridiculous & my snail enjoyed finishing it off!! anyways, goodluck if ur problem isn't solved yet.
Hey just jumping on this feed.. I am having the same problem with my angel. I haven't seen him eat in over a week..i have tried the pellet food, freeze dry blood worm and live foods.
I put him in my hostipal tank for a few days and he still not eating, in fact it was stressing him a little because all he wanted to do is be with his new friend. Which I got 3 days ago.
I got him with another which unfortunately died last week(hence getting another).. all my levels are great and I am not over stocked.. I watch them for hours and can't see any sign of bullying in the tank. There is no lumps bumps or spots on him, is fins are all erect. However i noticed he hasn't grown in size since I got him, he is about 4cm fin to bottom fin. The shop thought when I got him he was about 5 months old. Which now makes him 6 months... the new angel I added in is roughly 5.3cm and is wider and is also 6months ish I have prime which I pop in occasionally to make sure the level stay stable. Temp of water is around 26 which is 2 degrees more than what the shop recomended, but i heard angels like is a little warmer. And I use bacteria aquarium balls to keep the water clear and healthy along with the tap safe. When doing weekly 40-50% water changes.. I am stuck. All other fishes are healthy and possibly a little greedy lol. I have read loads of different forums and just can't find anything which is similar to what he is going through.. he just stays still at back of tank occasionally swims around slowly :(

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