I Love my fishies
I got 2 small/medium sized Angels fish and they got along really well with each other then a week later I put 2 smaller ones in and the bigger ones picked on the little guys.......... so mean
I have the ring leader in a breeder net for a little time out and see if that sorts him/her out as I am not really to sure what I can do to stop the bigger ones picking on the small ones.
I want to breed them eventually is it better to keep them in a group or just have 2 (a pair in the tank)?
I have the ring leader in a breeder net for a little time out and see if that sorts him/her out as I am not really to sure what I can do to stop the bigger ones picking on the small ones.
I want to breed them eventually is it better to keep them in a group or just have 2 (a pair in the tank)?