My Albino Cory Cats Bred!


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2004
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I came home yesterday and found eggs on the side of my aquarium! I definitely know that they are cories because both my gouramis are males, and my severums would have attacked me if I had tried to get to the eggs. Right now the eggs are in a container with an airstone in it. What else do I need to do? How long before they hatch? Thanks!

my corys layed eggs too, and for the longest time iv been thinking that they had bred but then i noticed that they both were laying eggs :crazy: last i checked corys cant do that so unless ur absolutely sure that u have a male and a female cory then the eggs could be unfertilized.
I have 1 male to 4 females. The eggs are not clear, but a "yellowish" color, so I am pretty sure that they are fertilized. There were about three clear ones though. My male has been chasing around the same female for about a week now. Thanks!

Hi rarefish :)

I'm glad to hear that your corys spawned! :thumbs:

The most important thing to do now is to keep water circulating around the eggs to keep fungus from developing. They will take about 4 days to hatch.

During this time, you will want to prepare a tank for them to grow up in and get something to feed them. For the first day they will still be absorbing their yolk sacs, but after that you will need to feed them Liquifry or something similar. If you have access to microworms or newly hatch brine shrimp, they will do very well on them in a few days time.

I would suggest setting up a 10 gallon tank with a bare bottom to raise them in. For the first few days an airstone is all you will need, but then you could attach a sponge filter which, along with daily small water changes, will be fine until they get big enough to use a regular box filter. The sponge filter need not have bacteria in it already since it will not be needed while the fry are tiny and will appear as they grow.

Good luck with the fry. If you have more questions, I'll be happy to answer them if I can. :D

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