My Albino Bn


Scorched Earth
Jan 11, 2006
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I posted a few pics of this little monster on my L260 thread, but Albi is too cute and deserves his own. He loves to suction himself under a log at night, and falls asleep and lets go, lying on his back on the sand. The first few times I saw this, I thought the little guy was dead, but no, he does this regularly. He is very handsome and has changed loads since we got him a few months ago, growth and colour wise.

While having one of those strange naps and having let go

When we first got him

What he looks like now

Isn't he handsome?? :wub:

He's very handsome! :D And usually I don't like albinos. He's looks pretty young too with his short bristles. How big is he?
Thanks Wendywc

He looks about 4 and a half - 5 inches long. He LOVES cucumber and courgette and I even have him eating the defrosted shrimp I put in for the L260's and red whiptails. He is very sweet and no where near as territorial or aggressive as the big brown BN we have. We've got three, Albi and 2 brown one's. But the big brown one has taken over in size and just chases Albi away from his dinner. Luckily we have them in a 4 foot, so there is plenty space to get away and they only bump into each other occasionally.

:wub: :wub: :wub:

I want one, I want one, I want one!!!!!! :drool:

He is stunning! He definitely deserves his own thread.

I want a bright yellow pleccy! That first pic is so funny. I think I'd have a heart attack if I saw one of my babies doing that - he really looks dead! :crazy:

Very jealous. Have to really curb our plec addiction as now we have our little Snowball there is absolutely no more room :X

Will just have to keep looking at your lovely boy on here until we can A) Buy a house and B) Buy a bigger tank and unfortunately it has to go in that order! :X
Thanks Bex

He is too sweet. We got him because even though we have plenty oto's, they don't eat that much algae. Albi and his brown friends devour the algae, all day long. They are major poop machines though, although I doubt they are anywhere as bad as your Eddie (from what I've heard, Panaques are really bad).

I know what you mean. There are so many plecs I would absolutely love to have. A snowball is one of Alex's favorites. And I'd like a few L134's. They are gorgeous.

Here is an old pic of Albi with Arry, and the two brown BN's. They are all a lot bigger now (apart from Arry who doesn't grow as quick, plus I think he may already be fully grown). Just excuse the reflection on the glass. I just grabbed and shot the pic before anyone swam away.


Great pic! I love it when all your plecs are in the same area like that! Doesn't happen often so you have to grab these chances when you can. How many do you guys have now?

We are well used to messy plecs! Eddie (the panaque), well you have to see it to believe it. Seeing as he's a baby it is unbelievable. Can't imagine how it's going to be when he is fully grown :crazy: Plus an albino common and a gibby we are in poo city in our tank. But because those 3 pleccy's will get big we simply have to resist the urge to put any more in. I asked my LFS about gettin albino bristlies and he can get them for me but I told him not to till I get a bigger tank.

What's Albi's max size? Might get one for my smaller tank he he!
Arry normally comes out for dinner with the rest of the gang, but just get the camera out and he's gone. That evening he was especially hungry, so I got a good one of him and his mates.

Well, we have 2 L260's, 3 BN's (1 albino and 2 brown), 3 red whiptails, 11 oto's (one of the baby got herself stuck in a pipe the other day and passed away a few days later) and all the cories and top swimmers. Oh, and 5 Japonica (Amano) shrimp. I think when we get our breeding setup in the room and move most of the bottom dwellers that we plan to breed, we may get some other kids of plecs, small kinds obviously.

The breeder said Albi won't get too big. I think about the same size as the L260, maybe bigger. I can't honestly remember what size she said, but he won't be a monster.

Has Eddie grown any since those last pics you had of him on the forum?? He is too cute.

Hmm, so Albi won't get too big?

*Bex starts calculating space in tank to see if he could be squeezed in!*

It's hard to tell if Eddie has grown. They are quite slow growers I think. He does seem a bit bigger but not in length, he seems to have filled out a bit - his head is getting fatter! He likes to sit on the gravel cave all day and survey his empire - he is defo King Pleco in our tank. Mu hubby is adamant he's grown but I'm not so sure. His colour has gone a lovely kind of green/grey, and his fins are great when all stretched out :wub:

So frustrating not having a camera or I would be putting loads of piccies up. Our camera phone isn't very good either so it's a bit of a waste of time!

Will be getting one a bit nearer to Xmas so hopefully will get some piccies up!
Aaaaw :wub: , he sounds too gorgeous. I remember those pic you had up the last time, he was incredible. I have seen a few at a LFS, not sure if they're the same kind of panaque as him, as I've seen there are plenty. But they were no where as beautiful as your Eddie. How big does he get? I'm sure I've asked you before, just can't remember what you said.

I think you better have a nice chat with Santa about getting a camera, wink wink. Luckily for me, Santa knew I needed a new camera for our kids party this coming weekend (2 of them have their birthdays just weeks apart so I'm combining the party). So by the time Christmas comes, I'll have to be sweet talking Santa for something else, wink wink.

I think I'll ask for some more tanks :lol: and loads of fish :lol: .

Speak soon
Carmen :D
I've already had a nice chat with Santa - that was for the 5ft Rena tank! That was our Xmas pressie to each other this year, but now I have decided to do a digital photography course, I need a decent camera sooo... Santa will have to be even nicer this Xmas! Ha Ha!

Really want to get it way before Xmas though so that I can start snapping the fishies. Hopefully Santa will be coming early again!

Eddie will get quite big, about a foot apparently! So even more poop to deal with! But Panaques are slow growers, nowhere near as fast as commons. And you're right, there are lots of different types of Panaques. Eddie is an L191 Dull Eyed Royal. The L190 (I think) is the red eyed kind. I think KathyM has one of these. But there are all sorts. I would really love a Golden Line Royal (L27 I think - might be wrong on that one though), but 2 Royals would be WAY too much poop to deal with! :crazy:

I think the Panaques are the cutest plecos. Very different shape to all the others but you need super filtration for these poop kings. We've got 2 Rena Xp3 Externals and also a large Internal (can't remember what make) and we still have to gravel vac every couple of days!

Once we get a camera though, I'll get some pics of Eddie. He is out all the time so won't be difficult, especially if there's cucumber on offer. Never seen a fish devour cucumber like this guy - if we put a full length of cucumber in, he will eat ALL of it by morning and chase anyone else off! He even falls asleep still on his cucumber! We have to put one bit in for him and then put some in for the others. :lol:
Just took this one of Albi. I thought it looked good and you can see all his little bristles, he is too cute.


:wub: :wub: :wub:

He is just adorable! I love the red bits just showing through, and his little bristles! Need to buy a house and a bigger tank asap so I can get me on of those! :wub:
Thanks Bex :D

He is something special. I know he's just a common BN, but he is one of the cutest fish I've ever had. I love him to bits :wub: . He's still a youngster, I can't wait till he's mature and has a face full of bristles. He is going to be most handsome. I've had the pleasure of seeing his daddy, and he was too cute.

Oh, and that white stripe on his back is just a reflection from the camera, if anyone was wondering.

Wow, more great pics. He's awesome. :D I definately love my bristlenose like you love yours; mine has such nice long bristles now too.
I just got two pairs for my 55 gallon and they're still small except for a larger male. It's obvious they love to eat too. When I got them, their stomachs were noticiably empty when they sucked against the glass, now they're a nice greenish-brown color and starting to produce their infamous quantities of poop.

These are some of the best plecs IMO, as far as the more common species go at any rate. :D

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