I've already had a nice chat with Santa - that was for the 5ft Rena tank! That was our Xmas pressie to each other this year, but now I have decided to do a digital photography course, I need a decent camera sooo... Santa will have to be even nicer this Xmas! Ha Ha!
Really want to get it way before Xmas though so that I can start snapping the fishies. Hopefully Santa will be coming early again!
Eddie will get quite big, about a foot apparently! So even more poop to deal with! But Panaques are slow growers, nowhere near as fast as commons. And you're right, there are lots of different types of Panaques. Eddie is an L191 Dull Eyed Royal. The L190 (I think) is the red eyed kind. I think KathyM has one of these. But there are all sorts. I would really love a Golden Line Royal (L27 I think - might be wrong on that one though), but 2 Royals would be WAY too much poop to deal with!
I think the Panaques are the cutest plecos. Very different shape to all the others but you need super filtration for these poop kings. We've got 2 Rena Xp3 Externals and also a large Internal (can't remember what make) and we still have to gravel vac every couple of days!
Once we get a camera though, I'll get some pics of Eddie. He is out all the time so won't be difficult, especially if there's cucumber on offer. Never seen a fish devour cucumber like this guy - if we put a full length of cucumber in, he will eat ALL of it by morning and chase anyone else off! He even falls asleep still on his cucumber! We have to put one bit in for him and then put some in for the others.