My Aggressive Chinese Algae Eater


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi ive had a pair of chinese algae eaters for about a year now and 1 of them has grown twice as fast as the other 1 and has started to chase all my other fish, he nearlly killed 1 of my gouramis but i saved her :D
he has started to chase my balloon molly and the molly has gone greyish and before she was white.
anyway i have to get rid of this fish hes chasing most of my fish and they are gettin stressed, he is about 4inchs
I'd say take him to any pet shop that will have him (unless you want him then buy him his own tank). These guys can get really nasty. I have one in my 55 that is too small to catch (without disrupting the whole tank) or else I'd give him away. Once he's bigger off to the pet store he'll go, that is if he bullies anyone. My other one was a bully so I'm betting this one will be one too.

P.S. Also once they get big they seem to loose their taste for algae, and aren't really useful for that purpose any longer.
Also, you may want to look in the Cyprinids forum. CAE's are in that grouping and you may find some better answers there.

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