you have them in a community tank? african clawed frogs will eat anything and everything they can catch and fit in their mouths - - just so you are ready for the fact that you are going to have nice happy fat frogs and no fish!
what do you have them in their with?
and while they seem young now (still too young to sex)....they are going to get quite large and need massive filtration and alot of space - - how big is your tank?
it needs to be atleast 15 gallons just for the frogs!
oh ok! (i had a reason to be concerned! lol)
what size tank are they in? they are still itty babies - mine are becoming pigs! the picture of my marbled was from november - - he has def grown since and his nuptial pads have finally come in! my two albinos turned out to be females so I hope to breed them in a year or so
do you live in the US?
the 125 will be a fantastic home for them!they are quite the little characters aren't they? my three are just little hams....they are getting big enough where in a month or so I am going to start treating them with live earthworms instead of guppies - guppies are barely a gulp to them anymore...
and bloodworm cubes are ofcourse a favorite! i definitely recommend reptomin (turtle/reptile) sticks and pellets - - mine frogs really grew once i started them on those - -the balanced nutrition went a long long way for their development!
not many people have ACF so I am thrilled to see another member on the forum with them - - they are my favorite water pet lol
how large are the sticks in comparison to the frogs? they don;t have a tongue or teeth so they can't chew food into pieces...try breaking the sticks in half - you can also try handfeeding the frogs....i did that with mine and it is a great way to get them used to being handled!