my ADFs are SINGING!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
brampton, ontario
scared the @&($)@Q outta me, but now that i figured out what it is, im absolutely having kittens over how cute it is. :wub: does anyone else's ADF's 'sing' to each other?
I've read on quite a few sites that ADF's will make noise. Never heard it myself, except on sound clips, though. Very cool!! :nod: I heard it sounds like airline tubing which has come loose. Is that anywhere close to it? -_-
you know what it sounds like? you knwo when you get a bendy straw and you pull it open and it makes that sound? it sounds like that only quieter and lower [and for longer] ;)
My Firebellied toads croak, but it sounds like a bird a few miles away :lol: No one believes me when I say they wake me up at 6:00 am, my mom thinks I'm crazy! :rofl:
I currently have 2 ACF's in my setup. The male of the species has been croaking for weeks now. Its a sign of him reaching sexual maturity and looking for a partner (seen by the darkening of his hands and arms)
Do they need to surface to croak?

I have three ADF's on my tank. They are near full maturity but never really surface except to grab a gulp of air. I have tons of surface plants that they can crawl up onto if they really wanted but they make no effort at all.
Holy crap, so for like three weeks now I've been thinking that I've been hearing a baby crying. It's been driving me buggers! I assumed it was a neighbor, but it's so incessant I couldn't believe it. I never thought to check and see if it was coming from my tanks! I have had 3ADF for about a year and a half now. Maybe they're ready to get it on! Crazy!! :blink:
I'm not sure if mine were out on the floating plant when they were singing me a song, but sometimes they do like to climb up onto it, maybe thats why it was so clear, as I had the tank hood open to feed them. I'll try to catch it quicker next time I hear it and see if I can cap a video or record it. :wub:
Congrats!! my adf's sign to each other too... It seems that you have some very happy little guys...i have 4 of them and they have to be one of my favorites.

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