My Adf Wont Eat!


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
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its been since friday and my afican dwarf frog wont friken eat!!! i put in tetra floating sticks and blood worms but it doesn't work. ive even tried to hand feed him!! hes so going to die if i dont figure out wat to do!! :shout:
Oh dear, poor lil guy. I've got two ADFs so I know how cute they are and would be very worried if the same happened to one of mine.

I know that when I first got them they were both quite useless at locating the food in the tank, even when it was right under their noses. It's as if they could smell it nearby but couldn't quite locate it and would climb back and forth over it many times before finally realising where it was and diving at it. As the weeks have gone by, they have gotten better at feeding. In fact, now they even catch the food before it reaches the gravel!

Now, as far as problems with feeding go I'm not an expert - but I remember reading somewhere online that sometimes frogs can get gravel stuck in their mouth which prevents them from eating. The other thing is how well your tank set-up is. What temperature is your thermostat set to?

My frogs went through a funny phase recently when they appeared to be shedding skin and they would just cling together at the top of my tank thermometer, around the suction cap! Once they'd finished shedding they were even more boisterous than before and better at feeding/swimming - almost as if they grew up slightly after shedding.

If you could check those general things (although how you check for gravel in the mouth I have no idea!!) and failing everything else you might need to check with someone at your aquatic centre.

Hope all goes well - Athena
make sure the water quality is ok, if it isn't that can cause them to become stressed out and not eat.
well my water temp is room temperature,
and i have 2 other frogs, 3 snails, and
2 small fish and they all act completely fine.
and the other frogs go right to the food!!

i wish i knew wat to do :no:
Depends, also, on what you mean by room temperature. Are you in a hot, cold, medium climate? Even so, ADFs need a regulated tank temperature by means of a tank thermostat. If you don't have one of these in your tank, I would seriously suggest you buy one (they are not very expensive) because ADFs should be treated the same as tropical fish. If you don't have a thermostat the tank temperature can become too cold at night - these are not coldwater frogs and can become ill or die if not kept at the proper temps.

Even though your other froggies seem to be doing ok for now - they might not survive too long in the wrong conditions.

Regards - Athena
Depends, also, on what you mean by room temperature. Are you in a hot, cold, medium climate? Even so, ADFs need a regulated tank temperature by means of a tank thermostat. If you don't have one of these in your tank, I would seriously suggest you buy one (they are not very expensive) because ADFs should be treated the same as tropical fish. If you don't have a thermostat the tank temperature can become too cold at night - these are not coldwater frogs and can become ill or die if not kept at the proper temps.

Even though your other froggies seem to be doing ok for now - they might not survive too long in the wrong conditions.

Regards - Athena

Its actually an albino clawed frog going by the other posts.
Its actually an albino clawed frog going by the other posts.

Oh, is it, T? Sorry, I haven't seen any of the other posts - I just went on what was said in the initial post of this thread about an African Dwarf Frog. Ah well, I think a lot of people (even some aquarists) get the Clawed and Dwarf frogs mixed up.

I was initially sold an albino frog and told it was a dwarf frog that wouldn't grow more than a couple of inches. Got him home and over the following week, started doing research on how to care for him properly - only to realise that he wasn't a dwarf frog at all! Had to find a new home for him as I didn't relish the prospect of a huge frog taking over my tank and eating all my lil fishies! Have since got two ADFs - ok, not as pretty as the albino but cute all the same.

Even with a clawed frog I'm sure they still need to be kept in a heated tank, don't they?
T ur really annoying, it is an ADF i just have both kinds. anyway the temp of the water stays at about 70 degrees so its not the temp. but he seems to be doing better now. and the dwarf frog is not in the same tank as the little ACFs.
T ur really annoying, it is an ADF i just have both kinds. anyway the temp of the water stays at about 70 degrees so its not the temp. but he seems to be doing better now. and the dwarf frog is not in the same tank as the little ACFs.

Your really not making any sense. So you now have 2 tanks one with 2 albino clawed frogs and one with 3 ADF's and both tanks have 2 fish and snails? Clawed frogs are coldwater and ADF's should be kept at 75 degrees. Also if your tank(s) are not cycled then I would feed very lightly or you will end up killing them. What does your water test at?
T ur really annoying, it is an ADF i just have both kinds. anyway the temp of the water stays at about 70 degrees so its not the temp. but he seems to be doing better now. and the dwarf frog is not in the same tank as the little ACFs.

Your really not making any sense. So you now have 2 tanks one with 2 albino clawed frogs and one with 3 ADF's and both tanks have 2 fish and snails? Clawed frogs are coldwater and ADF's should be kept at 75 degrees. Also if your tank(s) are not cycled then I would feed very lightly or you will end up killing them. What does your water test at?

il explain, i have 2 tanks that i changed. one with a ADF, one snail, and two small fish. the other has 2 ACFs, 2 small fish, and 2 snails[one somehow died]. yes i feed lightly, and yes the temp for the ADF is about 75 degrees. and the Clawed frogs have colder water. sorry about that i guess i didn't reread my other posts. i hope this clears things up. :blush:

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