Oh, you certainly can be lucky. I've kept various puffers in mixed species set-ups. But I'd have to say that it's a bad approach to _assume_ this will work, and for someone who isn't an expert fishkeeper, and doesn't recognise the signs of aggression and fin-nipping, mixing puffers with tankmates can be a bad choice.
On the other hand, it could very easily be that it's the males that are aggressive, give it's the males that protect the eggs. And if this species doesn't view your danios as food, then they may well work positively as dither fish. My own experience is that tankmates can give puffers something "to do" and perhaps prevent boredom, and that it turn makes them less likely to cause problems through temper tantrums.
But I do come back to my original point, which is that for beginners and those without extra fish tanks, it's best to treat a puffer as a resident for a single-species set-up.
Cheers, Neale
Agreed, but to be honest I don't think that abeis (or most other puffers) are fish that novices should keep anyway.