Hi All
So this is my 2nd attempt at a proper planted aquarium. I tried about 5 years ago with decent equipment, an eheim ecco 2332, uv filter, 1.9wpg t5, EI and homebrew CO2. I had pretty good success, with the obvious bba and hair algae problems along the way and overcame it, adapting to new ways of keeping tropical fish and plants both happy at the same time. I had to shut down the tank as there was no longer space for 2 large tanks in the house.
Since then, I have had various nano tanks, (and currently have a 5 gall or so tank in my room) but I wanted a big challenge.
Enter my 72 gall tank.
Right... this has possibly been the most poorly planned tank setup ever... well its all been done from something i thought up about a year ago but never investigated into.
Heres the tech spec:
Tank: 72 gall 3x2x2 ft (i think)
Lights: 60 Watts on for 8 hours a day
WPG = 60/72 = 10/12 = 5/6
Substrate = Uncleaned gravel from the last setup in the tank so should have lots of "compost"
Ferts = EI
CO2 = 0.8 bubbles per second on a CO2 regulator
temp= 27C
Water pH = 8 (but will decrease with CO2)
Massively overpowered filter + spray bar.
Future Additions
+ Moonlight. - Its in all my other tanks and looks great!!
+ Drop Check
So I wanted to build a tank around an arc shape. I wanted there to be two pieces of drift wood. Unfortunately, I could only find one out of the 2 pieces, so its in the tank now. Im going out to my lfs to get some more tomorrow. Ive left the tank cycling for about a week, however, with so many plants in the tank, the ammonia cycle will not really have so much of a hand in the cycling of the tank. Additionally, the uncleaned gravel will also be home to bacteria.
I bought a CO2 regulator and a CO2 bottle from Ebay:
fire extinguisher: http/www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130705224748?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
CO2 regulator with solenoid: http/www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300704377102?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
I fitted this along with a non return valve to my tank and added a timer so the CO2 is pumping for 12 hours a day. (no point in the evening!!)
I added some plants from Ebay which came in a pack for £12. That was probably my biggest and only mistake. The plants are not healthy and half of the nicer looking ones have disintegrated. I will be getting replacements soon!!! I will also stock the tank with some of the specimins from my nano tank as i often have to throw away the excess from that tank
Im going to have about 30 cardinal tetras, 5 clown loaches, 8 bristlenoses, 3 mollies (already have them) 20 zebra danios, 10 red sword tails, 2 khullie loaches, 10 shrimp and then i think the tank will be just about half stocked!!!
Finally, I am growing some christmas moss in my upstairs tank. I will be growing moss caves to put in the other tank at a later date, but they should grow faster in the nano tank as its more wpg and more nutrients.
Anyway, pics to follow tomorrow.
So this is my 2nd attempt at a proper planted aquarium. I tried about 5 years ago with decent equipment, an eheim ecco 2332, uv filter, 1.9wpg t5, EI and homebrew CO2. I had pretty good success, with the obvious bba and hair algae problems along the way and overcame it, adapting to new ways of keeping tropical fish and plants both happy at the same time. I had to shut down the tank as there was no longer space for 2 large tanks in the house.
Since then, I have had various nano tanks, (and currently have a 5 gall or so tank in my room) but I wanted a big challenge.
Enter my 72 gall tank.
Right... this has possibly been the most poorly planned tank setup ever... well its all been done from something i thought up about a year ago but never investigated into.
Heres the tech spec:
Tank: 72 gall 3x2x2 ft (i think)
Lights: 60 Watts on for 8 hours a day
WPG = 60/72 = 10/12 = 5/6
Substrate = Uncleaned gravel from the last setup in the tank so should have lots of "compost"
Ferts = EI
CO2 = 0.8 bubbles per second on a CO2 regulator
temp= 27C
Water pH = 8 (but will decrease with CO2)
Massively overpowered filter + spray bar.
Future Additions
+ Moonlight. - Its in all my other tanks and looks great!!
+ Drop Check
So I wanted to build a tank around an arc shape. I wanted there to be two pieces of drift wood. Unfortunately, I could only find one out of the 2 pieces, so its in the tank now. Im going out to my lfs to get some more tomorrow. Ive left the tank cycling for about a week, however, with so many plants in the tank, the ammonia cycle will not really have so much of a hand in the cycling of the tank. Additionally, the uncleaned gravel will also be home to bacteria.
I bought a CO2 regulator and a CO2 bottle from Ebay:
fire extinguisher: http/www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130705224748?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
CO2 regulator with solenoid: http/www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300704377102?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
I fitted this along with a non return valve to my tank and added a timer so the CO2 is pumping for 12 hours a day. (no point in the evening!!)
I added some plants from Ebay which came in a pack for £12. That was probably my biggest and only mistake. The plants are not healthy and half of the nicer looking ones have disintegrated. I will be getting replacements soon!!! I will also stock the tank with some of the specimins from my nano tank as i often have to throw away the excess from that tank
Im going to have about 30 cardinal tetras, 5 clown loaches, 8 bristlenoses, 3 mollies (already have them) 20 zebra danios, 10 red sword tails, 2 khullie loaches, 10 shrimp and then i think the tank will be just about half stocked!!!
Finally, I am growing some christmas moss in my upstairs tank. I will be growing moss caves to put in the other tank at a later date, but they should grow faster in the nano tank as its more wpg and more nutrients.
Anyway, pics to follow tomorrow.