My 5x2x2 Malawi Setup


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
plymouth, uk
here we go as requested by ginge, my 5x2x2 malawi setup which we built into the alcove in our new house and it fits in lovelly in our living room now rather than just on a stand.

is the hex tank at the top a hospital tank?

big tank looks great :nod: :hyper:
someday, someday i'll have a setup for my 125G like that. very beautiful, i'd stain darker to match my furniture taste though.

i believe the tank on top is a nano cube. no hex. a lot of reefers use it for their nano reefs. i love the look of them.
Yea that looks amazing, I love that idea. But I think I would paint it or most likely stain it darker for a more professional finish. :nod:
sorry for delay in replying, thanks for all the comments the tank on the top is one of my maternity tanks currently occupied by elongatus ornatus waiting to spit her fry, a list of fish as follws.

2x frontosa
3x greshkai
2x blue dolphins
3x yellow labs
3x afra likoma
4x moorii chipumba
2x long pelvic
3x obliquedens
2x trevasse
6x brichardi
2x malawi trout(which are for sale)
1x auloncara royal top chipimba

Thanks for all the comments.

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