Hey Everyone
I decided to set up my first saltwater tank. It has been running for about 8 months now. Soon I will be upgrading my tank and will be using this current tank as the sump so I have been lazy with keeping the glass squeeky clean
Current inhabitants:
Coral Beauty Angelfish (He was in the store tank with a pufferfish and I noticed he only had one eye, assumed it was nipped at by the pufferish, so I got him for half price )
Six-Line Wrasse
2 Blue chromis
Green Star Polyps
Clove Polyps
Red Mushroom?
And some various others that I hope can be Id
The only corals that I purchased were the green and clove polyps, the rest came with the LR that I bought. Here are some pics
Full Tank Shot
Green Star Polyps
Clove Polyps
Random Polyps? Id?
Red Mushroom? Id?
Dont know what this is? But I love the color and it is growing
Feather Duster
Polyps of some sort? Id?
I decided to set up my first saltwater tank. It has been running for about 8 months now. Soon I will be upgrading my tank and will be using this current tank as the sump so I have been lazy with keeping the glass squeeky clean
Current inhabitants:
Coral Beauty Angelfish (He was in the store tank with a pufferfish and I noticed he only had one eye, assumed it was nipped at by the pufferish, so I got him for half price )
Six-Line Wrasse
2 Blue chromis
Green Star Polyps
Clove Polyps
Red Mushroom?
And some various others that I hope can be Id
The only corals that I purchased were the green and clove polyps, the rest came with the LR that I bought. Here are some pics
Full Tank Shot
Green Star Polyps
Clove Polyps
Random Polyps? Id?
Red Mushroom? Id?
Dont know what this is? But I love the color and it is growing
Feather Duster
Polyps of some sort? Id?