My 55-Gallon Tank Is Here!


Fish Addict
Sep 17, 2009
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Ontario, Canada (If you want to know my city you'r
All righty! ^^; So, this is my tank: (Sorry for the link; it doesn't work to copy image addresses with Flickr.... -.-;)

I just got it yesterday! ^^; The stockings are:

-1 (possible) rainbow shark
-1 (possibly) albino ruby shark
-2 unknown gouramis
-2 weird sucky fishies; possibly plecos
-2 guppy fry
-10 neon tetras
-4 white cloud mountain minnows

I think that's it, at the very least. :/ I might up the shoal of neon tetras to 20, and add 5 or 6 (or 7 :p ) cories. Will this be okay? ^^;

All righty, thens. Now, it's your time to shine! :D

Can you tell me what these 3 fish are? ^^;

#1 ::

#2 ::

#3 :: (and 4, in a way; this fish's companion is just a *bit* paler than him ^^;)

Thanks! :D Any advice? :) We're using a cycled filter on it, btw. :lol: The one from the 2-gallon.... :) My Mom actually had the sponge filter from the 2-gallon, but it was too small, so she went and got one for up to 80 gallons, and, thens, she squeezed out the filter media from the smaller sponge filter into the big tank, so, now, we're hoping that it seeded the new, bigger filter, so that'll work, but, we are leaving the old sponge filter media in there (for now.... ^^;) at least, until we're sure, that the big tank can cope. :) The 2-gallon has an airstone at the moment, which I understand is not filtration, but.... Hey! ;D We need the airstone (or, more accurately, bubble wand) to keep the water moving, or else, it becomes really icky. ^^; Did that make sense? :D :p ;D ;P
fish #1 - seen them called cigar sharks (correct me if im wrong) it is/will be too big for that tank
fish #2 albino shark/ albino rainbow shark
fish #3 is a gourami
#3 is a gold Gourami, relativley aggressive to small fish.
Nahhhhhh, doesn't look much like a cigar shark; thanks for that; also, I was wondering exactly what *type* of gourami? Or, is it just a gourami? :/ I forgot to say; the shark has been in the tank for 6+ years already, it was gotten used, sooooo.... :/

EDIT @ SBL: Oh mai, really?! :eek: Well, it doesn't seem to hate my smaller fish.... For now.... *dun dun dunnnnn*
Well, some are any way. Mine from years ago would kill Danios for the heck of it.
Oh mai. Yours were mean, then. o_O; Mine aren't.... They're, well.... actually quite nice, actually. ^^; Gouramis are similar to Bettas, am I correct? :) Well, of course, they're too *aggressive* to go with Bettas, but.... Mine breath air. :lol: ^^;
You'll have to be doing some serious water changes on that! Although your filter from the 2 gall is cycled, this is a tank with a vastly higher bioload so it's going to take a while for the filter to catch up.
^Agreed. You could have water quality issues shortly.
They're 3 spot gouramies and can be aggressive, but usually only when breeding or raising fry. I had a species tank years ago and the male would bite me if I put my hand in. Very very protective beastie. I still have his last two offspring and, since they're both female they don't fight or act aggressively toward other fish. Mind you they're also pretty old. *Think wrinkly skin, grey hair and walking frames type old*

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