My 55 gallon tank holds over 200 fish and i have plenty plants so my water changes are minimal every couple months. The water perameters are perfect.


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Jan 23, 2022
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N8T 1L8
I have many types of guppies through cross breeding. I have I believe f8 to f12's in my tank through timely cross breeding. I also have an albino pleco, Albino Cory cats(4 males,2 females), two siemese algae eaters(one pregnant female), snails, red shrimps(10+). My water perameters are ph=7.2, kh=0, and water temps=78°, I also use 2 tbsp sea salt in the tank. My filter media's are ammonia pads,phosphate pads,charcoal filters, pump inlet filters to keep babies entering pump.. I use chemicals in my tank only if needed, so far nothing but Melafix- one cap once every two months, water changes every couple months other than that just top up water when evaporated. Lighting I have two 18" lid mount flourescent lights one 10,000 coral light and one daylight max tubes which are on timers set for 12hr cycles(12 on/ 12 off). I have Java moss, Hornwort(floating), Amazon swords, eel grass, some micro greens just planted recently. I also created hiding places within the tank. I have lake sand, shells, rocks for substrate. My tank is set up in the basement for better control of algae and tank temps. I use a 100w heater but will be using 150w heater soon I have the upgrade already. I regularly clean the glass, pumps and filters a couple times a week. I have Breeder boxes but only use to gather fish before selling, I have enough plants and rocks for the babies can hide. I feed the fish three times a day minimal amounts (what can be eaten in 5 minutes) of cyclid flakes -better colour enhancing formulas,more proteins and also frozen blood worms every couple days it helps with faster growth,colours and better health.


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