Here's what the fish list looks like today:
Altolamprologus Calvus (1)
Altolamprologus Compressiceps (1)
Cyprichromis Leptosoma (6)
Lamprologus Occelatus (2)
Julidochromis Regani (1)
Julidochromis Transcriptus (1)
Synodontis Petricola (4)
Most will be F1 fish bought from a local importer/breeder.
The rocks are weathered limestone that I collected around the area. We've got a limestone quarry right down the road so the rocks are plentiful. They were scrubbed and sterilized prior to use. The NovAqua will detoxify any metals that may be present in them though I tested them with magnets and vinegar and had no reaction.
The substrate is pool-filter sand (50-lbs) and Carib Sea's Coraline Volcano Beach (15-lbs.). I plan on adding some Neuthauma shells for the shell dwellers that I'll also get from the breeder/importer.
Thanks for the comments,