My 5 Gallon Pico


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX





Aside from the corals I have two blue legged hermits, numerous astreas stars, and one of those fan hand crabs (forget what they're called!) we call him Mr. Fan Hands :look: And, about two million hydroids :X and ten aiptasia at last count :X . I'm off to buy a new Joe's Juice this week since I'm using a friends leftovers, which may be old, but I'm also contemplating on a peppermint shrimp. I just don't know what else to do, the hydroids are ALL over the back wall, and slowly (actually quickly) killing off my green zoos that are attached to the wall. They were doing so well and in less than a week the hydroids have creeped up and stung two polyps to death. I fear I may have to empty it out and start over. Which goes to show- no matter how much you plan, always expect the unexpected.
Berghia Nudibranch for the apitasia... Dunno about their appetite for hydroids though -_-
They're really bad, but not SO bad that I can't fix it. I used to feed this tank like once a month. Then after I bought Fan Hands about a month ago I started giving him freshly hatched bbs daily...since then the numbers have increased greatly. I'm thinking of cutting the tank off bbs, and feeding him directly OR just moving him to my 100 gallon. I'll look into the nudibranch...I wonder how big they are, or what they are :p

Edit~ Ok, my lfs has some of those in their 2,200 gallon. Maybe I can mooch one, not for keepsies.
Yeah., aint for keepsies cause they only eat Aiptasia. If you could grab some, awsome! send some eggs my way LMAO! :p

That Alveopora has really changed colour though! Maybe it was dyed! The overall Nano is very cute though! Nice collection of Zoas and that blue stripped Rhodactis is really nice! :D
I can never get the colors to come out as they are when I take pics! It's so hard :( The alveopora still looks the same to me, I've never had a pic come out worthy of it and all it's minty greenyness :wub:

I've never treated this tank with any additives before. I only did frequent water changes. About two weeks ago I bought some stronium/moly mix, and my lfs gave me some of their calcium that they use. I want coraline algae! Their tanks are just covered in it, I want the purple :shout: So far everything seems happy...except my green zoos who were perfectly happy just a few days ago :(
I can see small cultures of Corralline, but ask a fellow reefers to keep his/her corralline next time they scrape it off the glass and give you it. It helps all the more. :)
No need for any additives wuv except for calcium, etc. Water changes do it. I hate to say this (I sound terrible), but, see my write up on that stuff you're dumping in your tank. Don't dose it if you aren't testing for it....can predispose to algae blooms and feed all your other baddies. SH

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